Cassis Jackie's dream Candy Jackie's dream Cookie Jackie's dream Cid Jackie's dream Cairo Jackie's dream Coco Chanel Jackie's dream Cranberry Jackie's dream Caya Jackie's dream | JCH CZ, CH CZ Cheek to Cheek Jack the Bear U (BVA 0/0) Cheek to Cheek Jennifer She Said (00) Cheek to Cheek Just an Illusion (00) Cheek To Cheek Jack In The Box Avec Shebelta (BVA 0:0) Cheek to Cheek Justify my Love | | Aimee Jackie?s dream (0/0) | CIE, CIB, ?JCh, ?Ch, HRCH, SKCH, SLCH, HUCH, CZCH Race The Sun de Ria Vela Top Dog 2012 (0-0) Raggio Di Sole De Ria Vela (0/0) roma eterna de ria vela And. CH. Romanza de Ria Vela (0:0) MltCh, JChRus & NRC, Bye Romeo de Ria Vela Mak/Cher/Bul/Mol/Rom/Ser/Bal Ch Remember Me de Ria Vela (BVA 0:0) | | Ch work Princess Jackie Chlupate stesti (0/0) Perseus Chlupate stesti Phalco Chlupate stesti U Ch SK, Ch CZ, CZ FTCh Philipp Chlupaté štěstí (0/0) Pierce Chlupate stesti (0/0) Portos Chlupate stesti Phoebe Chlupate stesti (1/1) JCH CZ, CH CZ, Grand Ch CZ, CH SK Princ Damian Chlupate stesti U (0/0) Ch SK, PL, CZ, CZ Champion of work Kerry Chlupate stesti Dual purpose 2009 (0/0) JCH CZ, CH PL, CH CZ, CH SK, Grand CH CZ, CH PHL, CH UA, CH BG,CZ FTCh Kendy Chlupate stesti National winner (0/0) JCh CZ, Ch PL, FT Ch Kreizy Chlupate stesti (Unknown 0:0) Perri Chlupate stesti Kenny Chlupate stesti ''U'' (0/0) Ch PL, Ch SK, Ch CZ, Grand Ch SK Kirby Chlupate stesti National winner (0/0) Knight Chlupate stesti (0/0) Kvido Chlupate stesti (0/0) Kessi Chlupate stesti Klaris Chlupate stesti Res.CACT | |