
Golden Retriever

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Easy Lover of Barnsley Gold

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Easy Lover of Barnsley Gold (A)
Invisible Touch of Barnsley Gold (FCI A)
Can't Stop You of Barnsley Gold
Me Following You of Barnsley Gold (A)
Hold On My Heart of Barnsley Gold (A)
One More Night of Barnsley Gold (A)
Two Hearts of Barnsley Gold (A)
I Can't Dance of Barnsley Gold (A)
Just The Way She Is of Barnsley Gold (A)
INT CH, LUX/NL CH, JCH NL, jWinner 2011 Break Dance Golden Robos (FCI AA)
Milburn v.d. Golden Angels (A)
Steal A Glance v.d. Golden Angels (FCI A)
Lemon Merinque Van De Golden Angels
Templeton v.d. Golden Angels (A)
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (HD A (2003))
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere (HD A 200?)
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re (A/A (BVA 2000))
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere (A1)
Brown Sugar v.d. Golden Angels (FCI B)
Dawson v.d. Golden Angels (FCI B)
Nobody Else Noortje Golden Robos (FCI AA)
Dts.Vdh. CH Dewmist Satellite Belgian Winner '03 (HD A1)
JWW?03,Swe Sh Ch Dewmist Serenella (HD A1)
SV CH Dewmist Serenade (2003-07-17 HD grad B)
SE VCH SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serenata (2003-05-27 HD grad A)
Nord & Fin & Swe Sh & Norw Ch Dewmist Supersonic (A/A (2003))
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Dewmist Samsonite (A1)
Key To My Heart Golden Robos (FCI A)
Keep it Cool Golden Robos (A 1)
Barnsley Gold Hogmanay (FCI A)
Bracia Rich Dark Hogmanay
Silence Dream Eastside Dylan (A1)
Silence Dream Eastsite Dylan
Trewater Hot Toddie (0/0)
Trewater Latino at Gowergold (BVA Hip Score 5:7)
Trewater Blue Baloo
LP1 Trewater Bollinger (A1)
Trewater Black Jack At Gowergold (5:4)
IT. CH. Trewater Hot Pursuit (BVA 3:4)
Trewater Legend (A1)
Trewater Lollipop at Caffimbra (6:5)
Trewater Labaloo
Trewater Lottie SGWC (BVA Hip Score 2:7)
Honey Noël v.d. Hollandergraven (A-0)
Golden Sun van de Mighty Goldens (FCI A/A)
Windwhirl Gambler Gang Gideon (A/A)
Windwhirl Elegantly Glitter Eileen (A/A)
Windwhirl Game Code Gregory (B/B)
Windwhirl Gentle Game Grace (B/B)
Windwhirl Enthusiastic Touches Enya (B/B)
Windwhirl Glory Game Gemma (A/A)
Windwhirl Glamour Game Gill (B/B)
Windwhirl Give Me Game Gambo (C/C)
Swiss CH, Swiss VetCH, VDH+DRC VetCH Windwhirl Emotion In Love Ebony (B/B)
Multi CH Windwhirl Early Heart Even (A/A)
Windwhirl Enchanting Light Eddy (A/A)
Windwhirl Exclusive Starlet Emily (A2)
Windwhirl Exciting Feeling Elroy (C1/B1)
Sweet Legend van de Hollandergraven (A)

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