
Golden Retriever

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FI WCH Weljesten Nuttet Au

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

FI WCH Weljesten Nuttet Au (FCI C/D)
Weljesten Neptunus Au (FCI C/C)
Weljesten Nunnuka Au (A/A)
Weljesten Nugget Au (FCI A/A)
Weljesten Nefertiti Au (FCI A/A)
Weljesten Narnia Au (FCI A/A)
Weljesten Nucleus Au (FCI B/B)
DK VCH Vesterlyng's Token Of Clyde (FCI A/A)
Vesterlyng's Claudy
Vesterlyng's Cosmo
Vesterlyng's Duke (B1/B2)
Vesterlyng's Fighter
Vesterlyng's Mango (A1)
Vesterlyng's Marco
Vesterlyng's Odin
Vesterlyng's Tjalfe
Vesterlyng's Token Of Luna (A1)
Vesterlyng's Zeus
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen (B1/B1)
Clockburn Clonevin (BVA 5:6)
Clockburn Cloonouragh
Clockburn Coolcran
Clockburn Curcullen
Clockburn Killacorrane (BVA 3:3)
Clockburn Craghderry
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Greenfoot Fetlar (BVA 3/0)
Greenfoot Ritz (A1)
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion (BVA Hip Score 7:7)
Clockburn Chorus (BVA 3/3)
Respons Kramiga Kexnougat-Ten (A/A)
Respons Kramiga Kamrat-Ten
Gainwill Marchall (A1)
Gainwill Dorka
S FT CH, S & DK CH Respons Vinjett-Ten (A1)
Respons Vindpust-ten
Warpersmoss Rhythem (A1)
Warpersmoss Lorcan (BVA 4/5=9 (27/09/12))
Warpersmoss Ranger (6:5)
Warpersmoss Russet (FCI A2)
Warpersmoss Ribbon Of Castlemans (5/4)
Warpersmoss Lace (BVA 3/3=6 (18/11/2011))
Gortons Golden Gambler (BVA 5/5=10 (8/6/2007))
Gortons Airy Fairy (BVA 7/3=10 (28/4/2010))
Gortons Diamond Dazzler (BVA 7/4=11 (8/6/2007))
Gortons Amber Flyer of Summercarr (BVA 4/7=11 (17/03/2009))
Gortons Island Lass (5/5=10 (08/06/2007))
Gortons Lady of the Mountain (BVA 5/6=11 (19/6/2008))
Gortons Berry
Gortons Juno
Gortons Pert
Gortons Golden Raider (BVA 6/3=9 (19/06/2008))
Eng. FT. CH. Gortons Red Ruby Rascal (BVA 4/3=7 (19/6/2008))
Brightfoot Kit (BVA 6/5)
Kingsteary Pierce (BVA 6/3)
Darnaway Ranulf
Fleet Raedmund
Ghillie Dollarbank
Glenmazeron Jock
Kylachie Frewin
Gortons Maid the Mist (BVA 4/6)
Gortons Wolf Whistler of Clockburn (7/4)
Gortons Spring Melody of Warpersmoss (BVA 4/4)
Gortons Eye of the Storm
Chywoon Riever Of Warpersmoss (BVA 4/3)
Chywoon Ruby
Warpersmoss Ripon (5/3)
Warpersmoss Talon (OFA B 1)
Warpersmoss Talaria
Warpersmoss Truman (OFA A 2)
Warpersmoss York
Whitesgill Ash (3/3)
Whitesgill Holly (3/4 = 7 4th May 2006)

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