
Golden Retriever

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Sunglow Sonny

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sunglow Sonny (AKC SF167278 (9.89))
Naaman Nathaniel (AKC SE993187 (7/88))
Red Baron XXXVI
Thor Of Lemarche (AKC SD121534)
Sir Lancelots Baby Boy (AKC SC999211 (12-82))
Brandywyne So Fine (AKC SD458039 (12-82))
Kreutz' Sir Lancelot (AKC SC484673 (4-80))
Ms Shauna Of The Valley (AKC SC563930 (8-80))
Sir Fredric Roth Of Phoenix (AKC SC552224 (11-80))
Pupaleana (SE837602) (AKC SE837602)
Nikolai Of The Northland (AKC SD649223)
Cinderella Golden Girl II (AKC SE011472 (1-86))
Micaiah Maranatha (AKC SE918736 (7/88))
Tohonohills Merry Jeremiah (AKC SD945814)
Tohonohills Berri Holly (AKC SD628652 (8-83))
Krishna-HGL GLDN West Rhythm (AKC SC379806 (10-79))
CH Krishna-HGL Fasinatin' Rhythm (AKC SC369455)
Am./Can. CH. Krishna-HGL Ragtime Rhythm OS (AKC SC355568 (4/1980))
Topbrass Drusilla Dollie (AKC SC114691 (6/78))
CH Topbrass Dazzlin' Daisy Slade OD (AKC SC202665 (7-78))
Topbrass Pack Rat (AKC SC194900)
Topbrass Seven Eleven CDX (AKC SC004374)
Top Brass Topaz (AKC SC051158)
Topbrass Marigold (AKC SC000713)
Tohonohills Lady Marigold
Tohonohill's Morning Sun (AKC SC382084)
Tamarak's Ginger (AKC SC387098)
Beckwiths Evening Star (AKC SB912956 (7/77))
Beckwith's Easy Autumn CD TD (AKC SB912960)
Am. Ch. Beckwith's Electric Storm CDX (AKC SB912957 (4-79))
Beckwith's Ember Glow CD (AKC SB912955 (12-82))
Tohonohill's Blondi (AKC SC329901 (6-78))
Ladie Bookout (AKC SD901993 (9-85))
Happy Xtrovert Sean (AKC SCC458950 (1-80))
Tohonohills Flyin' Jenny (AKC SC173860 (6/78))
Nancy Evans Buckwheat (AKC SC188497 (3/78))

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