K9data.comLabrador Retriever

FIN Ch Strongline's Extra Jolly

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

FIN Ch Strongline's Extra Jolly (FCI C/C)
C.I.B. FIN CH EE CH LT CH Strongline's Enjoying Around (FCI A/B)
Strongline's Wrangler
FIN Ch Strongline's Easy Known (FCI A/A)
SUCH FIUCH Strongline's Eternal Flame (A/A)
RU CH UKR CH LV CH BY CH Strongline's Echo
CIB, FIN Ch, FIN TRCh, RU Ch 7 Strongline's Well-Known (FCI A/A)
FIN Ch, FIN FTCh SE Ch Strongline's Piggywiggy (FCI C/B)
NO V-11 SE V-98 EE CH FI MVA Tawastway's Fooling Around WW-98 (FCI B/C)
Tawastway's First Harvest (FCI B/B)
EE CH FI MVA FI KVA INT CH Strongline's Flame of Fame (B/B)
FIN CH FINW-92 Sprusehills Bondera (FCI A/A)
FIN TrCh Applehill's Mayday
FIN Ch, FIN TR Ch Mistmoor's Bland Baker (FCI A/A)
Strongline's Meet Me Michael (B/B)
FIN Ch, FIN Tr Ch, EUJW-91 Strongline's My Point of View (FCI A/A)
Hestia (SF27391/87) (B/A)
C.I.B. FIN CH EE CH Strongline's Jolly Known (FCI A/A)
FI UCH Strongline's Just Illusion (A/A)
AmCH Graemoor Tim CD JH (OFA LR-49819E24M)
Graemoor Terra Cotta
Am CH Marshland Blitz (OFA LR-25371G41M)
Graemoor Tangueray (OFA LR-32606E24F)
AmCH Graemoor Bombay (OFA LR-32600G24M)
Graemoor Boodles (OFA LR-32540G24F)
FI UCH INT UCH Strongline's Ever Known (FCI A/A)
CH FIN Santtomin Epatoivo
Fin. Sh. CH Santtomin Elegia
FIN TrCh Applehill's Mayday

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