
Golden Retriever

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Lakeland Flash

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lakeland Flash
Lakeland Scrapper
Lakeland Sister
Lakeland Mike
Lakeland Nugget
Lakeland Pete
Lakeland Topper
Am./Can. CH. Des Lacs Laddie of Rip's Pride CDX OS
Tri-Stada Atomic
Tri-Stada Rex
Tri-Stada Rip
Tri-Stada Rocket
Tri-Stada Stardust
Tri-Stada Rusty
Tri-Stada Honey Bea
Tri-Stada Cookie
Am. Dual CH. Stilrovin Rip's Pride OS DDHF (5 years)
Am. CH. Krasnodar / Krasnodar Of Kingswere
Stilrovin Michael's Rip
Stilrovin Bride
Stilrovin Kennelquest Duff
Stilrovin River Rat
Stilrovin Sis
Stilrovin Smokie Jo
Michael Of Woodend *** OS
Rip's Dinah of Woodend ***
Rip's Gorgeous Of Woodend
Oleander Of Woodend
AmCH Deer Creek's Anne K Of Woodend ***
Peter of Woodend *** OS
Kay of Woodend
Rip's Countess of Woodend
Gipsy Of Woodend
Gilnockie Coquette OD
Can. CH. Gilnockie Bingo
Gilnockie Annabelle
Gilnockie Beppo
Gilnockie Annette
Gilnockie Margie (7.5 years)
Gilnockie Roberta
Gilnockie Virginia
Can. CH. Gilnockie Patience
Tri-Stada Golden Dawn OD
Rip Of Golden Grail
Peter of Woodend *** OS
Rip's Dinah of Woodend ***
Rip's Gorgeous Of Woodend
Michael Of Woodend *** OS
Oleander Of Woodend
AmCH Deer Creek's Anne K Of Woodend ***
Kay of Woodend
Rip's Countess of Woodend
Gipsy Of Woodend
Honey of Golden Valley
Joy of Golden Valley
Bonnie Of Golden Valley ***
Blink Of Golden Valley
Bunny Of Golden Valley
FC Pirate Of Golden Valley FDHF (9.5 years)
Echo Of Golden Valley
Nero Of Golden Valley
Nicholas Of Golden Valley
Digger Of Golden Valley *** OS
H.R.H. Garden Queeny
H.R.H. Garner
H.R.H. Granger
Stilrovin Express
Stilrovin Xpert
Stilrovin Hi-Speed
Stilrovin Hi-Velocity
Stilrovin Jane
Stilrovin Super X ***
Stilrovin Tola
Stilrovin Vee *** (4.5 years)
Stilrovin Ranger
Stilrovin Top Sergeant
Stilrovin Victory
Am. Dual CH. Stilrovin Nitro Express FDHF DDHF (10 years)
Stilrovin Top Kick **
Stilrovin Victory Child
Stilrovin War Baby
Stilrovin War Bride
FC Stilrovin Super Speed FDHF (8 years)
Stilrovin Trista
Am. CH. Stilrovin Shur Shot OS (2.5 years)
FC Stilrovin Katherine OD
Stilrovin Bullet *** OS
Stilrovin Lady Dianne=Lady Dianne (A126188)
Stilrovin Tania
Stilrovin Shunka
Stilrovin Czar
Czar Nicholas
Stilrovin Peter
Stilrovin Terrence
Stilrovin Rab ***
Am. CH. Goldwood Sonia ** DDHF (2 years)
Gilnockie Coquette OD
Can. CH. Gilnockie Bingo
Gilnockie Annabelle
Gilnockie Beppo
Gilnockie Annette
Gilnockie Margie (7.5 years)
Gilnockie Roberta
Gilnockie Virginia
Can. CH. Gilnockie Patience
H.R.H. Pupchien
H.R.H. Bonnie Of Sunnywood
H.R.H. Flambeau
H.R.H. Timothy ***
Cleve MacGregor
Walters' Belle
Walters' Goldie
Walters' Plutarch
Le Moyne's Snowball
Belland's Bonnie Lassie
Betty Barnhart
Beavertail Mietze
Beavertail Jasper
Beavertail Shotzie ***

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