
Golden Retriever

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Gundog's Choice Friday

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gundog's Choice Friday
Gundog's Choice Foster
Gundog's Choice Flatcher
Gundog's Choice Foreman
Gundog's Choice Franklin
Gundog's Choice Floyd
Gundog's Choice Famous
Gundog's Choice Falcon
Gundog's Choice Fergie
Gaytonwood Mull
Gaytonwood Islay (KC AR03389002)
Gaytonwood Yell
Gaytonwood Mousa
Gaytonwood Pinar Del Rio
Gaytonwood Wee Cooper O'Fife
Gaytonwood Gigha
Kessgold Shetland of Staverton
Kessgold magic
Kessgold Aran
Froglane Marksman of Dunburgh
Froglane Ben
Froglane Bertie
Froglane Tully
Kessgold Sorrel
Kessgold Chicory
Kessgold Tamarisk
Kessgold Thistle
Kessgold Ladys Smock
Gaytonwood Cuba
Lowerhurst Chestnut at Mistigri
Lowerhurst Chestnut of Mistigri
FTW Holywear Briar Rose at Gaytonwood (UKC AJ01216604)
Holywear Jasmin of Eastdale
Holywear Guelder Rose
Holywear Damson
Holywear Juniper (FCI DRC-G 0824739)
Holywear Gorse (KC SB3190CV)
Gundog's Choice Cuba (FCI DRC-G-1028963)
Gundog's Choice Classic (FCI DRC- G- 1028962)
Gundog's Choice Cheyenne
Gundog's Choice Cheetha
Gundog's Choice Cocoa
Gundog?s Choice Cayman
Gundog's Choice Chevy
Gundog's Choice Chess (FCI DRC-G 1028961)
Gundogs Choice Cobra (SE19669/2011)
Ambertrail's Racing Raven (CKC SS105518)
Ambertrail Wicked Little High Can WCX (CKC SC068801)
Ambertrail's Fila Me
Ambertrail's Holy Moly MH UDX VER OM1 RE MX MXS MXJ MJS MXF WCX ADHF (AKC SR37575201)
Ambertrail's Repeat After Me Can. WCX *** (CKC JA564371)
Ambertrail's Rosco Is Reddy Can CDX Am CD (CKC GW472857)
Ambertrail's Aheka Aim Hi (AKC SN69471301)
Ambertrail's Tie Breaker CD RA MH *** (AKC SN68685501)
Ambertrail's Happy Heatleader (01944/2000)
Ambertrail Joy's Pool Position (49154Z)
Splashdown Arriba Reba Am *** QFTR, Can. *** (AKC SN516282/02)
Splashdown Blithe Spirit CDX, RA, SH, WCX (AKC SN516282/04)
Mioak's Seventh Heaven (AKC SN51628203)
Splashdown in Duso Pond MH *** (AKC SN51628206)
OTCH U-UD Splashdown Tazlina UDX2 JH MX MXJ WCX (AKC SN516282/05)
Topbrass Splashdown Bubbleup (AKC SN516282/08)
Splashdown'slittle Abby (AKC SN516282/09)
Semper Splashdown Stary Skye ** OD (AKC SN516282/07)
FTCH Ambertrail's Canadian Rocket (CKC PA 920082)
Ambertrail's Pocketful of Gold
Ambertrail Pull Out The Stops Can. CDX WCX AG.NJ AG.I SH (CKC PA920070)
Ambertrail's All Jazzed Up SH (CKC PA920079)
SHR Ambertrails Say What U Want MH CCA WCX OD (AKC SR23225501)
Ambertrail Jenny (SHSB 639450)
Ambertrails No Mistake Jake CanWC JH (CKC PY981214)
Ambertrail's Just Push Play (CKC PY981200)
Ambertrail's Canadian Blizzard (Other S55046/2004)
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS (AKC SN84200303 (2-04))
Firemark's Big Sky Casseopia (AKC SN84200302)
Holcroft's Clyde (AKC SN84200304)
Firemark Genes By Calvin (AKC SN84200305)
Sadie May Firemark (AKC SN84200306)
Firemark's Foxy Lady Of WDCRK (AKC SN84200307)
Firemark's Shadow of No Doubt SH WCX (AKC SN84200301)
Ambertrail Sparks To A Flame OD Can QFTR JH WCX (CKC HY560392)

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