
Golden Retriever

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Golden Treasure's Tess

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Golden Treasure's Tess (OFA GR-117860F24F-VPI)
Golden Treasures' Amazing Grace CCA (OFA GR-114946G25F-VPI)
I'NTL CH, UKC CH Golden Treasure's Zoey (OFA GR-114575F24F-VPI)
INT'L CH Golden Reflections Bo Regard (OFA GR-92386G24M-PI)
Goldspun's All Star Line Up (OFA GR-70843G41M-PI)
AmCH Fanfare's Box Office Smash (OFA GR-53870G24M)
Am Ch Fanfare's On Broadway (OFA GR-54007G24M-T)
Goldspun's Name That Tune (OFA GR-58661G25F-T)
Goldspun's I'm on My Way (OFA GR-58291G24F)
Goldspun's Dances With Wolves (OFA GR-58559F24F-T)
Goldspun:Love Connection (OFA GR-58179G24F)
Goldspun's Let's Make A Deal (OFA GR-58660F25M-T)
CH Hyline's School Girl Charm OD (OFA GR-58559F24F-T)
Windsors Michelle My Belle (OFA GR-84785G42F-PI)
Mikey Gibson (OFA GR-70596G26M-PI)
Windsors Savannah Smiles (OFA GR-74597G36F-PI)
Aspen's Golden Shadow II (OFA GR-71367G26M-PI)
Jewel Mischia Krauser
INT'L CH Copper State's Golden Treasure Lexington CCA (OFA GR-108651G24F-VPI)
UKC CH. Copper State's Higher Place
Golden Hearts Caspar Of Sandar (OFA GR-90711G27M-PI)
Sandar Twila Too (OFA GR-108065G61F-VPI)
Heaven Of A Golden Promise (OFA GR-98217E31F-VPI)
Silvermine Lucky Lady
Tess Willa Sarah Knox
Sandar Twilight (SR18426001) (OFA GR-90738G27F-PI)
Gracie May VIII
Lady Laycee Bunnee Of Coral House
Telluride Once In A Lifetime (OFA GR-83066G26M-PI)
Ausgold's Denim Cowboy
Ausgolds Fresh Water Pearl
Ausgold's Tarbeary Muffin
Sandar's Willful Willa (OFA GR-78167G26F-PI)
Sandar's Winsome Wynne (OFA GR-78202G26F-PI)
Int CH Gold-Rush Copper State's Cider CGC (OFA GR-100200G38F-VPI)
Gold-Rush Andromeda (OFA GR-97264G25F-VPI)
Am. CH. Wochica's View From The Top (OFA GR-84558F24M-NOPI)
Gold-Rush Night Magic (OFA GR-88218G27F-PI)

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