
Golden Retriever

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Dainty's Flowerdust

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dainty's Flowerdust
Deremar Ascot
Deremar Adelaide
Deremar Ameche Liberator OS (AKC SB434905 (2/1975))
Deremar Angelique
Deremar Adana of Wallands
Eng. Ch. Sansue Camrose Phoenix
Eng. SH. CH. Camrose Psyche Of Vementry
NZ CH Camrose Pericles
Romside Camrose Pyramus
Eng. CH. Camrose Pruella Of Davern
Eng./Irish Ch. Cabus Cadet JW (Other KCSB 1585AU (1962))
Camrose Wistansy (KC KCSB 940AX-3414/62)
Camrose Wistara
Eng. Ch. Camrose Wistura (1846AY)
Eng. CH. Deremar Rosemary (KC KCSB 2508BF 21253/7)
CanCH Deremar Camilia CanCD
CanCH Deremar Henry
Deremar Hector of Hughendon
Deremar Ratbag
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher (Other KCSB 0380BD)
Eng. CH. Hughenden Cabus Columbia
Greenwards Cabus Celtic
Eng. CH. Cabus Caruso
Swed. CH. Cabus Clipper (Other S09807/69)
NUCH Cabus Clarion
Hughenden Cabus Columb
Cabus Clarissa of Vementry
Deremar Tess Of Farmcott (KC 2717BE 88023/63)
Apports Dainty (Other SwedKC # S19214/68)
Apports Date
Apports Dame (FCI S19215/68)
Fin./Nor. CH. Apports Larry Jr. (FCI S02802/59)
FINUCH Apports Joy (Other SwedKC # S02806/59)
Eng. FT. CH. Stubblesdown Larry (Other KCSB 1706AN)
Stubblesdown Ladis
Stubblesdown Lancer of Lochmoy
Stubblesdown Lola
Stubblesdown Linling of Loch Moy
Stubblesdown Begay (FCI S00461/59)
Stubblesdown Bang
FINUCH Apports Buttercup (Other SwedKC # S17627/60)
Apports Daffodil (Other S17628/60)
Noble One of Kolahoi (Other S12016/59)
Stubblesdown Begay (FCI S00461/59)
Stubblesdown Bang

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