
Golden Retriever

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Gotta Luv Bindi Pride Of The Land Down Under

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gotta Luv Bindi Pride Of The Land Down Under
Lrm's Joining The Ivee League
Rugger In The Line Of Fire
Orly B The Love And Light Of My Life
Glacier Standing Tall
Poetrys Im A Working Girl
Dunnys Country Gentleman Von Lynns
UCI Int CH, Int. + Nat. JA Kalocsahazi Don Juan
UCI Int. CH, Int. + Nat. JA CH Kalocsahazi Dely (SR55710301)
Int CH, ICH, HCH, ?CH Dewmist Sandoliano
Dewmist Sandorado
Dewmist Sandomingo
Dewmist Sandorelli
HJCH Kalocsahazi Janka
HJCH Kalocsahazi Jeles
HJCH Kalocsahazi Jeges
HJCh. Kalocsah?zi J?gvir?g
Sandar Miss T
Jozi Do Sol D'Arena
Jacoby do sol d?arena
Jey-Jey Do Sol D'arena
Jojo do Sol D'arena
Joker Chock do Sol d'Arena
Jerome do sol d'arena
Sandar Miss Molly Be Good
Sandar Nahla's Reign
Glory Glory Hallelujah Luvs Freedom
Samantha Knoxvilleberry
Pecan Knoxvilleberry
Sterk Hart Tebow II
Knoxville Berry Creme Soda
Abraham Knoxvilleberry
Silvermine Heartbreak Kid
Catie Michelle Moore
Silvermine's Maximus Blue Boy Of Rivershire
Cassia Senna
Tiburon's Double O Seven
Strong Stael Udella Next Lady
Strong Stael Yarina Team Girl
Strong Stael Unit Nice Girl
Strong Stael Yarrow Silver Flower
Strong Stael Yasinda Cool Lady
Strong Stael Young Baby Lou
Cartier Cover Girl
Cartier English Rose
Countrylane One Fancy Bugger
Int.l/Nat.l Ch. Chris Ti Rising To Glory CGC
Chris Ti Mercy And Grace
Countrylane Evesham
Countrylane Eastleigh
Countrylane Exeter
Countrylane Earl Shilton
Countrylane Coventry

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