K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Beechdale's Kingston

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Beechdale's Kingston (B)
Beechdale's Kabak (A2/A2)
Beechdale's Kennedy (FCI A1/C1)
Beechdale's Kidd (A)
Beechdale's King (A)
Beechdale's Kelley (A)
Beechdale's Kassia
Beechdale's Kipling
Belg. & Int. FTCH Eroll Flynn des Fields de Mauny (A/A, Shoulders OCD free)
FTCh Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead (BVA 7:3)
FTW Greenbriar Viva of Ffynongain (BVA 5/17)
Greenbriar Victor (BVA 6/7)
Greenbriar Valour (BVA 7/4)
Greenbriar Vincent
Greenbriar Vodka
Greenbriar Vagabond
Greenbriar Vince
Greenbriar Verve
FTW Greenbriar Vogue (BVA 4/7)
Greenbriar Vigour
FTCh Lafayette Tolley (BVA 8/8)
Lafayette Tarka (BVA 3/3)
Lafayette Quail (BVA 1/1)
Lafayette Bracken
Lafayette Lombarda
FTW Greenbriar Solitaire (BVA 5/4)
Rocket Star Anke
FTCh Rocketstar Ciel (B)
FTCH Rocketstar Camiel (C1)
FTCH Rocket Star Desysse (A2/A2, shoulders OCD free)
Int + B FTCh Saxthorpe Buzzard of Brindlebay (BVA 5/7)
Saxthorpe Kestrel
Saxthorpe Hawk
Saxthorpe Osprey
Saxthorpe Falcon (BVA 4/3)
Saxthorpe Harrier
Saxthorpe Eagle
Starcreek Xanadu (A/A)
Starcreek Xally
Beechdale's Golden Piper (A/A)
Beechdale's Glenmorangie (A/A)
FTCh Longcopse Bertie (BVA 2/2)
Longcopse Berry (6/7)
Longcopse Bramble (6/6)
Longcopse Brie (4/3)
Longcopse Bess
Longcopse Baron
Longcopse Badger
FTCh Fernshot Comet (BVA 3/4)
Fernshot Dasher (7/14)
Fernshot Rudolph Of Pryanduke (4/3)
Fernshot Cupid
Fernshot Dancer
Fernshot Vixen
Fernshot Blitzen
Fernshot Prancer
FTAW Leadburn Val of Longcopse (4/2)
FTCh Leadburn Viceroy (BVA 4/4)
Leadburn Victor (4/10)
Leadburn Vince (5/7)
Leadburn Virtue
Leadburn Valley
Leadburn Vertex
Leadburn Vito Of Granitestone (5/6)
Bibit of Hopeful Image (FCI A)
B of hopeful image
Brinja of Hopeful Image (A1/A1)
Artus vom Keien Fenn (B2)
A. J. Ascot vom Keien Fenn (A2)
DRC-Arb.-Ch. Alpha vom Keien Fenn (A2/A2)
Arkis vom Keien Fenn (A)
Ares vom Keien Fenn (C1)
Arko vom Keien Fenn (B1)
A-Krispindl vom Keien Fenn (A2)
Ayca vom Keien Fenn (C2)
Bloom of Dukefield (FCI B/B)
Bux of Dukefield
Black Rose of Dukefield
IntFTCh Ben of Dukefield (D/D (2002))
Boon of Dukefield (A/A (2002))
Birdie of Dukefield (E/E (2002))
Biddy of Dukefield (B/B (2002))
Blue of Dukefield (A/A (2002))
IntFTCh Bee of Dukefield (A/A (2002))

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