
Golden Retriever

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INTL CH Mtn. View's Keep On Truckn To The Top CA CGCA CGCU TKA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

INTL CH Mtn. View's Keep On Truckn To The Top CA CGCA CGCU TKA
Am GCH Int'l CH Mtn. View's Stargazer Lily Of The Green Valley
UKC CH. Mtn View's Putting Out the Flames
Mtn View's The Good Fella
Mtn View's Signature Mai Tai Moana
Mtn View's Faithful Fern Redmond
Mtn View's Kisses for Kallie
Mtn View's Purple Rein CGC
Am Ch. HnrCH. Nat'l Ch. Int'l Ch. NatlBa Ch. Mtn View's What's The Rush CGC
Mtn. View's Rock N Roll Remington
Mtn. View's Tazer
Int/NatJR Ch. Mtn. View's This Girl Is On Fire OD
GCH CH Goodtime's Star Attraction OS
GCH Goodtime's Star Chaser
Goodtime's Shining Star
BISS CH Goodtime's Non-Stop To Rio SDHF OS
Goodtime's Carrie On
CH Goodtime's Delta's Ready When You Are
Goodtime's Two Tickets to Paradise
Goodtime's Perrier on the Rox
Br JCH CH GRCH Goodtime's Sunny Delight
Goodtime's Constant Comment CD, OAJ, AX, CGC,W-FD, R-FE/Alt-N, Vet MF/E
Am/Can Ch. Goodtime Argo Adrenalin Rush OA OAJ NAP SDHF OS CGC TDI
Am CH Goodtime's Sprite's Delight
Am Ch Goodtime's Gatorade
CH. Goodtime's Cassiopeia OD
BIS BrJrCH. BrCH. Goodtime's Dark Side of the Moon
Goodtime's Orion
Int. CH. Goodtime's When U Wish Upon A Star VCD1 (CD TD NAP NJP) RE CGC
Int/Nat/Ehren Ch. Woodcreek's Viva Las Vegas RN CGC
Woodcreek's Lady of Jackson Hole
BIS AmCan CH. Allsgold Fyreglo First In Line JH
CanCH Fyreglo's Homestead Frostie CanWC JH
Can CH MOTCH Fyreglo's First and Foremost WC
Am/Can CH Fyreglo's First Impressions Am/Can WC, JH
Can/Int /Nat CH Beckwiths Perfect Lit'l Angel
Am-Can-Int CH Beckwiths Partial Eclipse CD BN PCD RE CGC BVISS
Beckwiths Put'n On My Tophat
MBISS Am GCHB. Can CH. Nat'l/Int'l CH. IntCom Ch Truestar's Doubleexposed @ Mtn. View CAA BCAT CAN-NTD AM-TKN SDHF
BISS Am GCh. Can Ch. BIS Intl. Ch. Truestar N Doubletakes Gotta Click It To Get It BISS BVISS CCA
Truestar's Ransom So Hot Right Now
Am. GCH. TrueStar's Say Cheese
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS
CH Venture What Becomes A Legend
BISS AM CH Sunbeam's Private Party OS
Sunbeam's Private Dancer
Sunbeam Private Eye Elliot Ness RN
Sunbeam Private Reserve
Am-Can CH Karagold's Whistlin N'the Wind CD RN OD
Karagold's Spice O Life Triumphant CD CCA
Karagold Liebchen Phorever N' Bluejeans
CH KaraGold?s Phee Phi Pho Phun RN WC VC OD CGC
Shyan's Picture Perfect At Truestar
Shyan's Perfect Game
CH Shyan's Heaven Scent Little Girl
BISS GCH Shyan's Let Freedom Ring SDHF
Am CH Shyan's Ring My Bell
Shyan's Ring True
Shilo's Bright NU Day
GCH. Shilo's Ooh La La Pa'Ree
CH Shilo's C Y I'm Nu Mero Uno BISS
Am-Can CH Shilo's Nu Blue Diamond
Shilo's I Nu She Was Magnificent
Shilo's No Ree-Son To Worry
Shilo's C Y Ima Ree Pete @ Mapleglo CCA
Shilo's Million Ree Zons 2 Smile
Can CH Shilo Ree Member the Ambient Spirit
Shilo Look Who's Makin The Nu'z
Am. Ch. Shilo's Nu Year's Celebration
Shilo's Nu Sundog
Shilo's If I Nu Then What I Know Now
Shilo's Nu Boy Remy

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