
Golden Retriever

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Dancing shadow Autumn Storm

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dancing shadow Autumn Storm (FCI B2)
Dancing shadow Autumn Bay (FCI A2)
Dancing Shadow Autumn Sea (FCI A2)
Dancing Shadow Autumn Hunter
Dancing Shadow Autumn Star
Dancing Shadow Autumn Sun
Dancing Shadow Autumn Sky (FCI A/A)
Dancing Shadow Autumn Moon
Dancing Shadow Autumn Light (FCI A2)
AJ's Buddy Masou (FCI A2/A2)
AJ's Bonita (FCI A1/A1)
AJ's Bourbon (FCI A2/A2)
AJ's Best Magic (FCI B)
AJ's Bilbo
AJ's Bakari (FCI B1/B1)
AJ's Blue Sky (FCI A2)
AJ's Breezy Chili (FCI A1/A1)
AJ's Bowie (FCI A1/A1)
AJ's Beauty Amy (FCI A2/A2)
Gaytonwood Drifter (BVA 6:3)
Gaytonwood Daisy (31/29)
FTW Scherzando Pisces (7/12)
Scherzando Libra
FTW Holywear Briar Rose at Gaytonwood (BVA 21:8)
Holywear Jasmin of Eastdale
Holywear Guelder Rose (BVA 5/6)
Holywear Damson
Holywear Juniper (A2)
Holywear Gorse (BVA 5/8)
Zaniri's Cambie at Ravengold (A2)
GMOTCH GMH Zaniri's Koda of Ravengold Can WCX; Am UD
Zaniri Storm Warning Ravengold Can MH AmOD (OFA GR-103368G32F-VPI)
Zaniri Brady Chinook Ravengold Certified SAR Dog
Ida Reds Just By Chance
Catalina's Stuft Cookie
OTCH Ida Red Razzlin' Sunsplash UDX TDX JH OA OAJ WCX OBHF (OFA GR-60527G51F-T)
Mioak's Speedy Deedee (OFA GR-59343G26F-T)
Duncan's Dixie Peach MH ** (OFA GR-59601E27F-T)
Torch Of Ida Red MH WCX (OFA GR-61224F31F)
Ida Reds Texas Ten Gauge CDX MH WCX CCA VC (OFA GR-58654F24M-T)
AFC Ida Red's Uncloudy Day OD FDHF (OFA GR-59004G25F-T)
HRCH Ida Red's On the Road Again CD TD MH WCX **
HR Zaniri's Mistress of Maplebear Can WCX SH TD CGC Am WCX (OFA GR-88400G26F-PI)
Zaniri's Autumn of Maplebears
Maplebears Bandit of Zaniri
Zaniri Drmachine of Maplebears Can WC
Maplebear's Zelda of Zaniri
Maplebears Zeke of Zaniri Can WC
Clever Forever Fullmoon Shadow (FCI A2)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Fitch (A2)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Tiger (A1)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Floyd (A1)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Bolle
Clever Forever Fullmoon Fergus (FCI A2/A2)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Blaze (FCI A1/A1)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Suri-May (B)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Indra (FCI A2/A2)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Elly (A1)
Clever Forever Fullmoon Frida (A1)
DK VCH Vesterlyng's Token Of Clyde (FCI A/A)
Vesterlyng's Claudy
Vesterlyng's Cosmo
Vesterlyng's Duke (B1/B2)
Vesterlyng's Fighter
Vesterlyng's Mango (A1)
Vesterlyng's Marco
Vesterlyng's Odin
Vesterlyng's Tjalfe
Vesterlyng's Token Of Luna (A1)
Vesterlyng's Zeus
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen (B1/B1)
Clockburn Clonevin (BVA 5:6)
Clockburn Cloonouragh
Clockburn Coolcran
Clockburn Curcullen
Clockburn Killacorrane (BVA 3:3)
Clockburn Craghderry
Respons Kramiga Kexnougat-Ten (A/A)
Respons Kramiga Kamrat-Ten
Tigermilk A May (A1)
Tigermilk A Megan (A2)
Tigermilk A Miller (A2)
Tigermilk A MacCoy
Tigermilk A Molly (A2)
Tigermilk A Miss Lilly (A 1)
Tigermilk A Meggie Mae (A1)
Tigermilk A Maddox (A1)
Airborne Goldwings Esprit (A1)
Airborne Goldwings Eaton
Airborne Goldwings Ennio-Andro
Airborne Goldwings Eika
Airborne Goldwings Elle
Airborne Goldwings Elliot
Airborne Goldwings Ella
Copper's Sparkling Cop It Sweet (A1)
Copper's Sparkling cute brave Willow (A2)
Copper's Sparkling Cheezel
Copper's Sparkling Dark Honey
Copper's Sparkling Dyirri-Dyrritch
Copper's Sparkling Deja Blue (D1)
Copper's Sparkling Dorak
Copper's Sparkling cute Spunky
Copper's Sparkling Dinky Arinya (B1)
Copper's Sparkling Devils Marbel (A2)

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