
Golden Retriever

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Laurell's Bleading Purple N Gold

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Laurell's Bleading Purple N Gold
Am GCH CH Hillock Honeybear's Purple Pizzazz SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL16787M24-PI)
Am CH Honeybear's This One's 4 You (OFA GR-EL17965F47-VPI)
Hillock's Favorite Survivor
CH Hillock's All-Star Survivor OD (OFA GR-EL13729F24-PI)
Honeybear Devil In A Blue Dress (OFA GR-EL22074F53-NOPI)
CH Honeybear Red October Atsinjin RN (OFA GR-EL17990M30-VPI)
Honeybear Lexicon Runabout TDX
Am. CH. Hillock's Meredreme's Kazaam OS (OFA GR-EL6174M26-PI)
Meredreme Sheffield Words Of Love
Meredreme Galahad Chantilly Lace (OFA GR-EL7493F24-PI)
Meredreme Flower of My Heart (OFA GR-EL7821F26-PI)
Meredreme's The Grand Illusion
Meredreme's Miss American Pie (OFA GR-EL7609F24-PI)
Am CH Hillock Meredreme Sweet Dyna UD AX AXJ (OFA GR-EL8783F27-PI)
Am/Can Ch Hillock Meredreme Jovi's Doo-Wop NA NAJ (OFA GR-EL8628M26-PI)
Hillock's Meredreme Dizzy Spell
Hillock-Meredreme's Double Trouble
Meredreme's Under Her Spell (OFA GR-EL6711F30-PI)
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS (OFA GR-EL4834M80-PI)
Sheffield-Ducat's Rebecca
Ducat-Sheffield N X NW CD
Ducat's Sheffield's Saboteur
Am. CH Sheffield-Ducat's Suspicion JH (OFA GR-EL5861F83-PI)
CH Hillock's Meredreme Jordache OD
Hillock's Adelaide Travelaide
Hillock's Charissma (OFA GR-EL6180F25-PI)
Am. CH. Hillock's Victoria's Secret
CH Hillock's Thunder From Downunder
Hillock's Elizabear Taylor
CH Hillock's Anne Klein
Hillock Pickles To Pittsburg
Hillock Weber's Talisman (OFA GR-EL9298M62-PI)
Hillock Sydney's Sinful Sundae
Hillock's Sydney's Sierra
CH. Hillock's The Very Best Thing (OFA GREL3541M26-T)
BIS BISS Am. CH. Hillock She's Got A Way SDHF OD (OFA GR-EL7451F47-PI)
Hillock Stonepaw Uptown Girl (OFA GR-EL6448F39-PI)
BIS BISS Am CH. Bonacres Sherwood Fourrest OS SDHF
CH Bonacres Four Time Winner
CH Bonacres Fourget Me Not
CH Hillock's Rad Racer
Hillock's Super Mario CD JH OA NAJ AXP AJP WCX VCX
Laurell's Staten Island (OFA GR-EL17654F24-VPI)
Laurell's Manhattan (OFA GR-EL17833M25-VPI)
Laurell's Soho (OFA GR-EL17851F25-PI)
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL4276M26-PI)
Can CH Madisons Stack The Deck OS (OFA GR-EL2347M42-T)
Can. CH Madisons Matthew For Verdoro
CanCH Collinterra's Madison Rose
Can CH Madisons Briar Scout
Can CH Chuckanut Justmoor Tequila
Chuckanuts Abelard Dawn
Chuckanut's Limited Edition
Chuckanut's Southern Cross
Chuckanut Mufasha 'Moose'
Chuckanuts Wild Rose
CH Laurell's Butterfly Kisses (OFA GR-EL7537F24-PI)
CH Laurell's Pink Cadillac (OFA GR-EL1069)
CH Laurell's Pretty In Pink (OFA GR-EL1071-T)
CH Laurells Sunbeam Pinkpanther SDHF OD
Laurell's Shocking Pink (OFA GR-EL1084-T)
Laurell's Pink Flamingo (OFA GR-EL1072F24)
Laurell's Take A Bow For Angel (OFA GR-EL2246F24-T)
Laurell's Grand Finale From Angel Am.CDX Can.CD (OFA GR-EL2247-T)
Am. CH Laurell Goodtime Tickled Pink OD
Am CH Laurell Goodtime Pink Champagne OD
Laurell Deangate's Showcase (OFA GR-EL1878F24-T)
Laurell's Closed Case
Laurell's In Case Of Love (OFA GR-EL1658F24-T)

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