
Golden Retriever

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Wolf River Rival V

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wolf River Rival V (AKC S373318 (6/50))
Winnasha Storm (AKC S373627 (6/50))
Golden Lassie Lee (AKC S405698 (11/50))
Toby (S383088) (AKC S383088 (7/50))
R. R. Rival II *** (AKC A-888608)
Aura Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626664 (1/1943))
Boots Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626669 (1/1943))
Hermit Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626668 (1/1943))
Kahn Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626671 (1/1943))
Mischief Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626661 (1/1943))
Nugget Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626670 (1/1943))
Puck Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626672 (1/1943))
Titan Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626667 (1/1943))
R. R. Dust (AKC S051505 (12/46))
R R Boots (AKC S051501 (12/46))
R R Bruce (AKC S051502 (12/46))
R R Diana (AKC S051503 (12/46))
R R Echo III (AKC S051509 (12/46))
R R Ginger (AKC S051504 (12/46))
R R Nip (AKC S051508 (12/46))
R. R. Nugget (A888609) (AKC A888609)
R. R. Alicia (AKC A861923)
R. R. Rival (AKC A861921)
Sprite of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626663 (1/1943))
Am. CH. R. R. Star (AKC S051510 (12/46))
R R Wing (AKC S051507 (12/46))
RR Starlight
Pixie of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626665 (1/1943))
Waggener's Rusty (AKC S081596 (5/1947))
Star of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626662 (1/1943))
Ajax Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626666 (1/1943))
FC Goldwood Tuck OS FDHF (AKC A205346 (1/1938))
Goldwood Tala (AKC A205345 - 1/1938)
Goldwood Trigger (AKC A205343 - 1/1938)
Wind of Woodend (AKC A232874 - 5/1938)
Goldwood Topsy (AKC A205344 - 1/1938)
Rockhaven Tuck ** OS (AKC A-020613 - 11/1935)
Rockhaven Michael Of Moreton (AKC A47137 (3/1936))
Rockhaven Zazu
Rockhaven Beau Brummel Can ***
Can. CH. Rockhaven Lempi (AKC 839656 (9/1932))
Rockhaven Dan (AKC 796,932 (10-31))
Rockhaven Rover (AKC 795,593 (10-31))
Can. CH. Rockhaven Maiha (AKC A560043 (4/1942))
Rockhaven Rival
Can. CH. Rockhaven Russet (AKC 894,292 (10/1933))
Am./Can. CH. Rockhaven Harold (AKC 839659 (9/1932))
Rockhaven Dinah (AKC 994,686 - 6/1935)
Am. CH. Sprite of Aldgrove ** OD DDHF (AKC A-89523 (8/1936))
Eng. CH. Golddawn Of Aldgrove
Rip's Countess of Woodend (AKC A375076 (2/1940))
Rip's Dinah of Woodend *** (AKC A375075 (2/1940))
Rip's Gorgeous Of Woodend (AKC A375077 (2/1940))
Michael Of Woodend *** OS (AKC A-327770 - 7/1939)
Oleander Of Woodend (AKC A370749 (1/1940))
AmCH Deer Creek's Anne K Of Woodend *** (AKC A360965 (12/1939))
Peter of Woodend *** OS (AKC A569148 (5/42))
Kay of Woodend (AKC A371865 (1/1940))
Gipsy Of Woodend (AKC A357315 (12/1939))
FC Rip OS FDHF (AKC A-86933 (8/1936))
Queen Mary K (AKC A6772 - 8/1935)
Goldie of Ladve (AKC 965,328 - 1/1935)
Flash of Audlon (AKC 993,300 - 6/1935)
Webb (A204116) (AKC A204116 - 1/1938)
Rockhaven Judy ** OD (AKC A-87255 (8/1936))
Am. CH. Rockhaven Whitebridge Nobby (AKC A-73433 (6/1936))
Rockhaven Ben Bolt *** OS (AKC A-184622 (11/1937))
Can. CH. Rockhaven Punch
Lochhyrst Goldie (AKC S350394 (3/1950))
King Of Winnebago (AKC S353178 (3/50))
Winnasha Nugget (AKC S331136 (12/49))
Ersie (S392075) (AKC S392075 (9/50))
H.R.H. Esquire (AKC A983573 (4/46))
H.R.H. Argonne (AKC A986767 (5/1946))
H.R.H. March Winds *** (AKC A-864696-10/45)
H.R.H. Rover (AKC A802861 (4/1945))
H.R.H. Felix (AKC S033994 (10/1946))
H.R.H. Flambeau II (AKC S033995 (10/1946))
H.R.H. Forrest (AKC S033996 (10/1946))
H.R.H. Freedom (AKC S033997 (10/1946))
Mimi Girl (AKC S009432 (7/1946))
H.R.H. Emily (AKC A983575 (4/46))
H.R.H. Enid (AKC A983574 (4/46))
H.R.H. Ernest (AKC A983570 (4/46))
H.R.H. Eric (AKC A983571 (4/46))
H.R.H. Ethan (AKC A983572 (4/46))
H.R.H. Evangeline (AKC A983576 (4/46))
H.R.H. Timothy *** (AKC A584049 (7/42))
Cleve MacGregor (AKC A665440 (6/1943))
Walters' Belle (AKC A539560 (1/1942))
Walters' Goldie (AKC A594747 (8/1942))
Walters' Plutarch (AKC A594746 (8/1942))
Le Moyne's Snowball (AKC A487507 (6/1941))
Belland's Bonnie Lassie (AKC S278636 (5/49))
Betty Barnhart (AKC A539561 (1/1942))
Beavertail Flambeau (AKC A482679 (5/1941))
Beavertail Flight (AKC A409070 (7/1940))
Beavertail Flash O' Gold (AKC A417346 (8/1940))
Beavertail Fawn (AKC A482678 (5/1941))
Golden Scout Of Windsor (AKC A482684 (5/1941))
Beavertail Virginia (AKC S131403 (10-47))
Beavertail V-J (AKC S131402 (10-47))
Beavertail Sandy II (AKC S131401 (10-47))
H.R.H. Timothy *** (AKC A584049 (7/42))
Cleve MacGregor (AKC A665440 (6/1943))
Walters' Belle (AKC A539560 (1/1942))
Walters' Goldie (AKC A594747 (8/1942))
Walters' Plutarch (AKC A594746 (8/1942))
Le Moyne's Snowball (AKC A487507 (6/1941))
Belland's Bonnie Lassie (AKC S278636 (5/49))
Betty Barnhart (AKC A539561 (1/1942))
Beavertail Susie (AKC A-862469)
Beavertail Bonnie
Beavertail Daniel Boone (AKC A520463 (11/1941))
Beavertail Niobe (AKC A520462 (11/1941))
Beavertail Sir Haw Chumbley (AKC A520464 (11/1941))
Beavertail Gip ** (AKC A543938 (2/1942))
Beavertail Sandy (A529408) (AKC A529408 (12/1941))

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