
Golden Retriever

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Texan Tank Clementi

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Texan Tank Clementi (AKC SR98602307 (7-18))
IABCA IntCH ICKC IntCH Luis Adekatos Poland (AKC SR86998301 (9-15))
Lima Adekatos Poland (AKC SR86998303 (10-16))
Lamia Adekatos Poland (AKC SR86998302 (8-17))
Jr Ch PL, Champion PL Akim Adekatos (FCI PKR.VIII-17799)
CH PL AISCHA Adekatos (FCI PKR.VIII-17798)
ABIGAIL Adekatos
Pl.Ch., Pl.Jr.Ch Diego Adekatos (FCI 5741/XXIX/04)
ABI Czar Megido FCI
Ch PL YANTE Adekatos Poland FCI (Other PKR-VIII-17797)
Ch PL Pokusa ze Sztormowej (Other PKR-VIII-12888)
PAULA ze Sztormowej
PAOLA ze Sztormowej
Champion PL POLYANNA ze Sztormowej (PKR.VIII-12887)
Jr CH PL KORA Adekatos Poland (FCI) (FCI PKR.VIII-29274)
ARMIA Adekatos Poland FCI
JCh, Ch, BIS, BISS Kimi Adekatos Poland (FCI)
Kluska Adekatos Poland (FCI) (FCI PKR.VIII-29051)
PL Junior Ch. PL Ch. Zoolander Oligarchia
C.I.E.CH PL, CH Ru, CH Bul,CH Cro,PL JCH,RusJCH Zarzuela Oligarchia
Champion PL Kayah Adekatos Poland FCI (FCI PKR.VIII-25952)
Akim Adekatos Poland (AKC SR74011002 (2-14))
Atena Adekatos Poland (AKC SR74011001)
Junior Ch PL Kama Adekatos Poland FCI (FCI PKR.VIII-26486 (PL))
KROPKA Adekatos
IABCA Int'l CH Lilly Elizabeth Alexandria Jones (AKC SR81279403)
Easy Breezy Golden Girl (AKC SR81279406 (5-16))
Rugger In The Line Of Fire (AKC SR67112208 (9-13))
Orly B The Love And Light Of My Life (AKC SR67112201 (1-13))
Glacier Standing Tall (AKC SR67112207 (4-13))
Poetrys Im A Working Girl (AKC SR67112203)
Dunnys Country Gentleman Von Lynns (AKC SR67112209 (6-12))
UCI Int CH, Int. + Nat. JA Kalocsahazi Don Juan (AKC SR55710302 (6-10))
UCI Int. CH, Int. + Nat. JA CH Kalocsahazi Dely (SR55710301) (AKC SR55710301 (2-12))
Sandar Miss T (AKC SR45979801 (6-09))
Jake Casts Prankie's Rosie Shadow (AKC SR65262003)
Mimi's Joshie (AKC SR65262002 (2-12))
Luv By The Light Of The Silvery Moon (AKC SR61037001)
Mable III (AKC SR65262001 (4-12))
Pridefully Keen Prankie Fetches Love (AKC SR49578906 (9-09))
Holly's Golden Gem Dandee (AKC SR49578907)
Lovettes Willowy Shadow Shadey (AKC SR27414405 (12-07))

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