K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Lougin Lancing Lad

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lougin Lancing Lad
C.C.W. Lougin Lancer (BVA 2:2)
GB. Ch. Blondella Balance (BVA 4:3)
Blondella Ballerita (7/5)
GB Sh Ch Blondella Balalai'ka (BVA 10:6)
Int.Ch Blondella Ball'Et
Blondella Ball'ad
UK CH Keysun Krispin of Blondella (BVA 10/5)
Keysun Keely
GB. Ch. Blondella Ballerina (4/5)
Andae Annalise Fantazi
Blondella Bally Hi
Blondella Ballet (1982) (BVA 2/2)
Blondella Bally Who (JW) (BVA 6/2 (ua 1988))
AmCH Barnaby Of Charway (OFA LR-27456F27M)
Lougin Nut Cluster (BVA 4:3)
Lougin Brown Bomber (BVA 0:1)
C.C.W. Lougin Lucy Locket (BVA 0-0)
Lougin Bracken
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner (BVA 1/0)
Kupros Moonbeam
Kupros Minstrel (OFA LR-25387G25M)
AmCH CanCH Int'l CH Kupros Marshall (OFA LR-24150G24M-T)
Kupros Major At Lindall (1987-02-05 HD ua)
Kupros Morning Glory (BVA 5:3)
Kupros Miss Bramble of Balnova
Kupros Misty Blue
Ch Kupros Mollymawk (OFA LR-22111E55F-T)
Am.Can.Ch. Kupros Midnight Frolic WC
Glosmere Chocolate Minstrel at Lougin
Lougin Lady Of The Lake
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star (6/13)
Fabracken Cider with Rosie
ShCh Martin of Mardas
GB Ch Poolstead Pin Up Of Fabracken (3/4)
Glosmere Chocolate Minstrel at Lougin
Bradking Bartram (BVA 2:2)
Bradking Prospector of Larkvalley
Bradking Brown Velvet of Subar
Bradking Clint
Bradking Beverly (OFA LR-15807)
Bradking Brett
Bradking Precious of Larkvalley (BVA 1:1)
GB. Sh.Ch. Bradking Bridgette of Davricard
Bradking Tucker
Glosmere Rum Truffle
Glosmere Coffee Creme
Glosmere Burnt Almond
Glosmere Black Beauty
Lady Prudence
Mocha of Jimjoy

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