
Golden Retriever

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Eternal Kiss of Golden Cheer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Eternal Kiss of Golden Cheer
Eternal Flame of Golden Cheer
Eternal Dragon of Golden Cheer
Eternal Symphony of Golden Cheer
Eternal Glory of Golden Cheer
Eternal Joy of Golden Cheer
Eternal Magic of Golden Cheer
JCH CZ Heart of Prince Famous Gold (1/1)
JChPL,JChCZ,SlovakJW?13,ClubJW?14, Ch CZ, SK Heart and Soul Famous Gold (A)
Heartbreaker Famous Gold (B)
HJCH, ROJCH, SBJCH, ROCH, HCH, Int SH CH, Vice EW'21 Heartbeat Famous Gold CW'17 (A/A)
Heart for Izabel Famous Gold (FCI HD A (0/0))
Happy Heart Famous Gold
Lawpark Spellcaster (B)
Lawpark Spellmaker
Lawpark Spellbinder (BVA 3:9 =12)
Lawpark Simone at Drombeg (BVA 4/7)
Lawpark Spellbreaker (B.V.A 11)
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW (BVA Hip Score 7:4)
Shardanell Living Doll (BVA Hip Score 8:5)
Shardanell Forget Me Not (BVA Hip Score 7:7)
Shardanell Ruby Tulip (OFA GR-887800G32F-PI)
Eng.Sh Ch Shardanell Talk O' The Town at Ipcress (BVA 4:7)
Shardanell Daisychain via Ipcress (BVA Hip Score 3:6)
Lawpark Ruby Wax (B.V.A. 4:4)
Lawpark Roland Garros at Rossgilde (B.V.A 3:3)
Lawpark Ringmaster (BVA 4:4)
Lawpark Royal Scott (B.V.A 4:4)
Lawpark Russian Valour
C.I.B, C.I.E., Multi Jch.,Multi Ch., Grandch.CZ, SK Flying Heart Famous Gold (A)
CH CZ Flying dog Famous Gold (0/1)
Flying F?k Famous Gold (FCI A/B)
CH CZ/SK/PL/AT/MNG, JCH CZ/SK/PL Fiddle-De-Dee's Morris Traveller AT Double CH09, Club Winner (BIS), CJW (1/1 (B))
Be Dream Famous Gold National winner (BVA 5:3)
MCh, Ch CZ, SK, PL, JCh SK Back to my Dream Famous Gold (1/1 (HD BVA 3:3))
Baccara Dream Famous Gold (2/2)
Brilliant Dream Famous Gold
Blue Dream Famous Gold
Dream Symphony of Golden Cheer (FCI A)
Dr. Dasty of Golden Cheer (A)
Dr. Chico of Golden Cheer
Dr. Pepo of Golden Cheer
Dr. Leader of Golden Cheer
Dr. Taram of Golden Cheer
Dr. Pope of Golden Cheer (0/0)
Dream For Craze of Golden (0/2)
Dream Deborah of Golden Cheer
Dr.Famous Gold of Golden Cheer (FCI 0/0)
LPW'13, PT JCH Carnaval Dorado Scout Boy CER JCH (BVA 5-7)
Carnaval Dorado Mary Poppins At Pajula (BVA 9:8)
CER JCH Carnaval Dorado Sweet Melody (BVA 7/7)
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader (BVA 3:3)
Stanroph Secret Finale (10:9)
Stanroph Secret Promise
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin (4:4)
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation (B1)
INT CH Carnaval Dorado 100% Dreams (B (AVEPA))
INT CH Carnaval Dorado Princess Of My Dreams (Best Junior in Spain 2010) (B (AVEPA))
Carnaval Dorado This Is My Dream
CH CZ Explosive Symphony Famous Gold (B)
JCh CZ Explosive Love Famous Gold (1/0)
Explosive Hero Famous Gold
Explosive Lover Famous Gold (FCI 0/0, BVA 3:3)
Explosive Boy Famous Gold
CH CZ, SK, PL Heartbreaker Is Friendly (BVA 4:4 HD A (2008))
Ch.PL. Hunter Is Friendly (A/A (2008))
Hadley Is Friendly (A (2008))
Hailey Is Friendly
Hero Is Friendly
Hoaxer Is Friendly
Hardy Is Friendly (6.8.07 german A hips)
Harmony Is Friendly (A/A (2008))
Honey Is Friendly (A/A (2007))
ICH, MCH, CH CZ&SK&PL Deborah the Dream Team (1/1)
Derick the Dream Team (DKK 1/1 HD B)
CZ Dual Ch, CZ + SK CH, CZ + SK JCH, CZ FTCh Darcy the Dream Team National winner, Best Show Bitch 2005 (0/0)
SKCh Daniel the Dream Team (1/1)

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