
Golden Retriever

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Brandy's Golden Angel

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brandy's Golden Angel (AKC SB071153)
Heatherstone's Rare Brandy (AKC SA746101 (8/71))
Heatherstone's Black Gold (AKC SA699519 (7/1973))
Heatherstone's Little Sheba (AKC SA880851 (6/1972))
Seth Morgan (AKC SB281967 (11/73))
King Arthur's Sir Lancelot (AKC SA328789 (4-68))
Merrymakers Il Trovator (AKC SA154722 (12/1964))
Celloyd Star (AKC SA089273 (8/1965))
Prince XII (AKC SA149753 (4/69))
Celloyd Golden Blazon (AKC SA116985 (8/1963))
Celloyd Miss Honey (AKC SA113818 (5/1964))
Celloyd Golden Hunter (AKC SA114557 (5/70))
Goldendoor Apple Blossom (AKC SA300495 (1/1967))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Apple Bud (AKC SA300496 (11/71))
Goldendoor's Bambina Bona (AKC SA318902 (7/1967))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Garry (AKC SA095078 (9/64))
Goldendoor Wilson CD (AKC SA089169 (6/1965))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Apple Sauce (AKC SA074832 (11/1963))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Angel Cake (AKC SA-074832)
Heatherstone's Little Sheba (AKC SA880851 (6/1972))
Heatherstone's Black Gold (AKC SA699519 (7/1973))
Seth Morgan (AKC SB281967 (11/73))
Heatherstone's Rare Brandy (AKC SA746101 (8/71))
King Arthur's Sir Lancelot (AKC SA328789 (4-68))
Merrymakers Il Trovator (AKC SA154722 (12/1964))
Celloyd Star (AKC SA089273 (8/1965))
Prince XII (AKC SA149753 (4/69))
Celloyd Golden Blazon (AKC SA116985 (8/1963))
Celloyd Miss Honey (AKC SA113818 (5/1964))
Celloyd Golden Hunter (AKC SA114557 (5/70))
Goldendoor Apple Blossom (AKC SA300495 (1/1967))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Apple Bud (AKC SA300496 (11/71))
Goldendoor's Bambina Bona (AKC SA318902 (7/1967))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Garry (AKC SA095078 (9/64))
Goldendoor Wilson CD (AKC SA089169 (6/1965))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Apple Sauce (AKC SA074832 (11/1963))
Am. CH. Goldendoor Angel Cake (AKC SA-074832)

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