
Golden Retriever

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Brackenridge Millenium Falcon

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brackenridge Millenium Falcon
Can Ch Brackenridge's Anglo Saxon
Can CH. Ambertru's Rush'N Rule Eh
Ambertru's Fools Rush In (11.5 years)
Can. Ch. Ambertru Bowbell's Sugar Rush
BPISS Can. GCH. Ambertru's Furrst C'Rush OD
MBPIS CanGCH AKC CH Ambertru's Anticipate the Rush CGN
BIS,BISS Am GCHP Rush Hill's Drama'geddon RN JH WC RATO (SDHF, OS)
AKC GRCH/ UKC GRCH / Int'l CH Rush Hill's Go'N Ta Speak Widda Accent CCA, U-BIS (6.5 years)
AmCH Rush Hill's Whole Lotta Shak'N Go'N On OD
Rush Hill's Going Shopping Again
BISS AmGCH Rush Hill's Go'N For The Good Times
Am CH Rush Hill's Dramatic Entrance JH WC
Rush Hill's Ruger With A Little Bit Of Drama
Can. CH. Rush Hill's When the Go'ing Gets Tuff RE SH NJP WCX VC
MexCh Rush Hill's No More Drama (11 years)
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS (12 years)
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show
Am CH Rush Hill's Here We Go Again BISS OD
CH Rush Hill's Go With The Flow (12 years)
Rush Hill's Hide N Go Seek
Rush Hill's You Go Girl
Rush Hill's Go Somewhere In Time
Can Ch. Ambertru's Sweet Chilli Heat OD (14 years)
MBPIG CanCH Ambertru's 2B A Tripler Star CD RE CGN
Am. Can. Ch. Ambertru's Hard 2B Humble OS (11.5 years)
Ambertru's T'Devil Wears Prada (1.5 years)
Can Ch OTCH UCH UCD Ambertru Tri N Hard 2B Modest Am CDX RA BISS (HITS)
Ambertru's 2B The One (8.5 years)
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS (9.5 years)
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble
Prospector Klaasem U R The One
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF (9 years)
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda
Klaasem What Legends R Made Of
Can CH. Ambertru's Rize N Shine OD (12.5 years)
Can Ch. Ambertru's Blonde Bombshell (12.5 years)
Can. CH Ambertru Arcane Pay Per View (11 years)
Ambertru's Can't Hardly Wait (10.5 years)
Can.Ch Ambertru Shall We Dance (12 years)
Ambertru's Taffy (14 years)
Brackenridge's Joy To The World
Brackenridge's Sharply Focused
Can.Ch. Sunnybrae's Da Vinci Code (5 years)
Sunnybrae's Icy Ribbons
Sunnybrae McKenzie Taylor Hirbour (9.5 years)
Wizardwag Of Ozzy
AM CH/CAN BIS CH ThorneLea Kool Hand Luke (9.5 years)
AM CAN CH ThorneLea Brkfast At Tiffanys (10.5 years)
Can. Ch Thornelea Tenpenny Way We Were
Sunnybrae's Some Like It Hot (10 years)
BISS CH. Sunnybrae Rainyday's AWSM-BLSM OD (9 years)
Sunnybrae Groview's Tokn of Love
Sunnybrae's Final Edition
Sunnybrae's Scrabble
Brackenridge Easy On The Eyes
MANISTEE Bodacious Maxinius
Manistee Gunsmoke
Brackenridge Spring To Action

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