
Golden Retriever

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Brandon's Golden Katy the Great

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brandon's Golden Katy the Great (AKC SR42620404 (8-08))
Lothlorien's Golden Baron (AKC SR26095901 (12-06))
Megan's Tucker Dan (AKC SR13417304 (6-05))
Tyler's Pride Dan (AKC SN81602906 (12-02))
Bashi's Yagyu Jubei (AKC SN81602909)
Honey Bear Delight II
Copper Top Cundiff (AKC SN86761003)
Lexus Abagale Usa (AKC SN86761005)
Shelby Sunny Delight (AKC SN867610/02)
Madam Maggie Pearl (AKC SR13319508 (9-05))
MR. Baxter Goes To Frankfort (AKC SN70619408 (4-04))
Scooby's Sweet Baby Valentine (AKC SN89283809 (4-04))
Ringo's Golden Alexandra (AKC SR26004405 (3-07))
Abagail's Country Angel (SR21479102)
Sir Patrick Killian Crimson
Ringo The Great (AKC SN56095905)
Mikes Buster Brown (AKC SN276716/06)
Vaughn's Jake (AKC SN21417808)
Canaan's Duncan (AKC SN39281503)
T-Bar Country Chiffon (AKC SN27671605 (8-97))
Canaan's Amaz'n Grace (AKC SN452581/07)
Canaan's Heaven Scent Magnolia (AKC SN452581/01)
Canaan's Golden Autumn (AKC SN392815/01)
Countryviews Golden Rudy (AKC SN276716/02)
Jakes Golden Shadow (AKC SN276716/03)
Smiley Riley (AKC SN276716/04)
T-Bar Country Chambray (AKC SN276716/07)
Be My Twinpond's Beau (AKC SN276716/08)
Canaan's Shining Star (AKC SN392815/06)
Daisy Dee-Squared
Ron's Rudy of Notre Dame
Misty Country Angel (AKC SR13348203)
Da Vinci Blue (AKC SR18913803 (8-05))
Kojak Big Number 20 Fan (AKC SR00917406)
Little Smokie Blaze Miller

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