
Golden Retriever

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Heavenly Kaile Blue Jeans DJ

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Heavenly Kaile Blue Jeans DJ
Heavenly Tiny Dancer
Heavenly's Blue Jean Lucky
Heavenly's Bright Eyes & Blue Denim Levis
CH HR UH Autumn Grove RockStar Appetite for Destruction BN RN MH WCX VCX DDHF
Autumn Grove You Get What You Need
Autumn Grove's Casino Boogie
Autumn Grove's Brown Sugar
Autumn Grove's Honky Tonk Woman
Autumn Grove Shine A Light Brechin OA, OAJ
Deauxquest Twist N Shout CD CCA OD
Am. CH ; U-CH U-CD HR Deauxquest Hard Day's Knight UDT VER RAE MH WCX CCA VCM OS DDHF ; Can. CD WC
Deauxquest Oh What A Knight VCD2 CDX AXJ, OA, OF
Deauxquest Ziggy Stardust VCD1 TD RE AXP MJP OFP NAC
MACH4 Deauxquest Heart of Gold VCD1 RA MXG2 MJC2 AXP AJP ADHF CGC
Deauxquest Cracklin' Rosie VCD2 RE AX AXJ
Am. CH OTCH CT; Can. CH Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight VCD4 UDX3 JH MX MXJ WC VCX OS SDHF OBHF
Highmark A Rose In Winter
Highmark Dragonfly In Amber
Highmarks Knight To Remember
Highmarks Miss Daisy
Highmarks Shooby
SHR Deauxquest Mavica Pic UD JH AX AXJ WCX CGC OD
OTCH U-OCH U-ACH Deauxquest Trophy Hunter VCD2 UDX3 TD AXJ WCX AX CCA
Deauxquest Fortune Hunter
Deauxquest Thrill Hunter
Can CH Autumn Grove's Nothing But Blue Skye OA OAJ WC OD CCA
Autumn Grove's Moon Beam Over Sunny Creek
BISS GCH CH Autumn Grove's Wind Over Red Rock
Autumn Grove's Spring Maker
Autumn Grove's Dual Cyclone
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS
BISS Am/Can CH MACH Goodtime's Sunburst Manhattan CDX RE MXS MJG OF OAP NJP OD; Can CD AgX AgXJ
Heavenly Beaujolais Nouveau CD,RN,CCA,TDI
Heavenly Chateauneuf du Pape CD PCD BN RE CCA
Heavenly Cote d'Azur CD, RN, BN
Heavenly's Hell's Kitchen CD,WCX,RE,GN,TDI, CGC
Heavenly's Hell's Angel
CH Rumour's Just Kat'n Around CD SDHF OS
CH Rumours Elysian Kat'n Mouse BISS UD MH TD RA WCX VCX DDHF OD
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS
Seeshaw's E B Dream
Seeshaw's Golden Pilikia
Seeshaw-Firestar Snobal N'Hel
Seeshaw-Firestar Hel's Apopn
Seeshaw Breckenridge Pogie
Seeshaw Java
Seeshaw Chaco Canyon CD AX OAP AXJ OJP
Am. CH. Seeshaw's Rebelle W-O A Paws
Am. CH. Seeshaw-Firestar Hell-O-Apollo OA OAJ
Am CH Lyoness I'm No Angle CD OD
Lyoness Battle of Jericho CD JH WCX
Lyoness Big Tent Revival WC
Lyoness Strength of Samson CGC, TT,ThD
SHR Shilo's Heavenly Inn Spiration JH,CDX,RE,WC,CCA,TDI
Shilo's Inn Toxicating
Am/Can CH Shilo's Inn Cognito
Shilo's Inn Destructible
Shilo's Central Inn Telligence
CH. Faera's BMOC
Faera's VIP
Faera's SWAK
Shilo's Bet On It OD
Shilo's Best Bet
Shilo's Bet On Falcon
Am./Can. CH. Shilo's Starrstruck Best Bet SDHF, OS
Shilo Starquest Bet R Beware CanOD
Shilo's Bet On Ohio State
Shilo's All Bets Are Off RA CGC
Shilo Willogold U Bet I Can

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