
Golden Retriever

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Annie Chiffon

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Annie Chiffon (OFA GR-46613G27F)
Sierra Bermuda Sunrise (OFA GR-44768G28F)
Canela Candela Echaves (OFA GR-36560G24F)
Sierra Sunshine XX
Timberee Sunrise Sunsation
Am. CH. Timberee Right On Target CDX WC (OFA GR-18413F25M)
Am. CH. Timberee Tumbleweed Twister CDX (OFA GR-23757G52M)
Am/Bda/Can Ch Columbine's Makin' A Splash SDHF (OFA GR-16405-T)
Columbine's Making Merrie Am./Can. CD (OFA GR-14552)
AmCh Columbine's Makin'a Scramble CD
Ch Liberator Timberee Topaz UD WC (OFA GR6028 (good))
Liberator Tawny Orion
Mooneys' Little Britches (OFA GR-18479)
St Rexus The Great
Duke Of McFarlands Farm
Lord Chukkars Lady Dusty
Chardonnay Di Amador
Athena Leake
Nugget Of Gold Ccuntry
Lauren's First Love
Dunbars Golden Penny
Dusty's Golden Heather (OFA GR-4878)
Sun Country Kelly
Perro Bonita Bosque
Sierra Of Gold Country
Topaz-The Gem Of Willow Glen
Lady Thumbellena

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