
Golden Retriever

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Mmfr Big Bertha Boogie Gold

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mmfr Big Bertha Boogie Gold (AKC SS04558802)
Mp Jesse (KC SR922883/03)
Lunna Eclipse (AKC SR97127702)
Mason Creek's Jethro (AKC SR76959201 (7-14))
Ajan's Adolf (UR04294501)
Ajan's Gaga Eyes (AKC SR616920001)
Willowcreek's High Octagne (AKC SR71998501)
Spike's Sandy (UR07981501)
Molly Whitewater (AKC SR76622211)
Goldy Gurnham (AKC SR76622205)
Foxhill Spice (AKC SR35807310 (1-08))
Muddy Paws (SR71459601) (AKC SR71459601 (6-13))
Graber's Lillie (AKC SR68650206 (10-12))
Sophie Alexis (AKC SR68650204 (2-13))
Heartsong's Chloe
Macy Maye (AKC SR85882101)
Rabers Taylor Rjr (AKC SR75464303 (7-14))
Polar Mist Chase Me (AKC SR75464304)
Cesears Golden Hills (AKC SR72518106 (3-13))
Biscuit Buddy II (AKC SR67441303 (10-16))
Almi's Miss Golden Jody
Fuijia Mizer (AKC SR70352402 (3-13))
Cicillia Bulee Ross (AKC SR70352401 (5-13))
Windsong's Missy (AKC SR72771406)
Windsong's Ringo Star (AKC SR44735104 (3-09))
Lisa's Biscuit (AKC SR53489407)

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