
Golden Retriever

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Shadymist Chantilly Grace

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shadymist Chantilly Grace
Shadymist Just A Gigalo
MultiCH, BahCH, MkdCH, SrbCH, BgrJCH, SrbJCH Golden Romance My Way Of Shadymist WC
Golden Romance Master Of The Hunt
Golden Romance My Baby
Golden Romance Mystic Lady
JR CH BJ Golden Romance Maleficent
Golden Romance Marlon Brando
Golden Romance Martini Bianco
Int. Sh. Ch., PL Champ., Club Winner 2010 YES, SIR Oligarchia
CH PL, MNE, Bulgaria, Macedonia YOSARIAN Oligarchia
PL Ch. Your Majesty Oligarchia PL Vet. Ch.
Ch. Pl. PLW-2010, PLCLW & BOB-2010 Your Highness Oligarchia
N UCH, SU(U)CH, SVCH, NV-07, NV-09 Jako's Nordic Charm
SE VCH SEU(u)CH DK(u)CH LW-08 Jako's Union For Dream Max
Jako's Never Ending Story
N UCH. SVCH Jako's Norwegian Dream
PL Ch. Vintage Oligarchia
Ch. PL, SK PL Junior Ch. VALMONT Oligarchia
Umberto Oligarchia
CHAMPION MNE Utrillo Oligarchia
U Are Josephine Oligarchia
Mne.Ch. San Marino Ch. BG Ch. Ramchaine Double Delicious Ser.JCh.
Serb.Ch. MkCh. Sm.Ch. MD Ch. Az Ch. Me.Ch Ramchaine Fan Dabby Dozy
Ramchaine Bootylicious
Ramchaine Bubbalicious At Linchael
Ramchaine Fabulicious
Jun.Ch.Rus,NKP,Ch.Rus, 3 NKP, RKF, Grand Ch Ramchaine Fantissimo
International, Dutch, Swedish, Danish,German, VDH Champion Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres NJK, DJK, W?13
Elgar of the Hellacious Acres
Sonata of the Hellacious Acres
Can Ch Sibelius Of The Hellacious Acres
DT.JGD.(VDH)-CH, Dt. Ch. (VDH), Dt. Ch. (Club), P Haydn of the Hellacious Acres
Brahms Of The Hellacious Acres
UK Sh Ch, Int.Sh Ch & Dutch, Danish, German , Luxembourg , & VDH CH Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine UKJW , NJK, DJK,
Velvenya Valentine
Velvenya Vantage
Velvenya Vibe
Velvenya Vivacious
Velvenya Vivid Of Milltimber
Velvenya Vodka
Shadymist Splendor and Grace
Shadymist Princess Brianna
Shadymist Those Were the Dayz
Shadymist Cooper Jameson
Shadymist Brilliant Bolt of Lightning
Shadymist Sierra Winter
Shadymist Sunshine Of Our Golden Years CGC, TDI
Shadymist I'm Your Hobbes CGC
Shadymist Glory and Grace
Shadymist Jax Of Hearts
Shadymist Morgan Luigi
HrvCH, Nat. Ability CH Lucky Luke Anima Candida WC
Little Mermaid Anima Candida
La Femme Nikita Anima Candida
BISS, V-EW'09, V-WW'11, Int/Spa/Port/Gbz Ch. Lucky Man de Ria Vela
Pink Cadillac de Ria Vela
Trialer, INT/SPA CH, GBZ JCH Timanfaya de Ria Vela (Top Spanish Brood 2008'09'13)
Ch. Portugal Tara de Ria Vela
Seven Angels de Ria Vela
Roque-Nublo de Ria Vela with Motlaisa
Be True de Ria Vela
Roulette de Ria Vela
Mencey de Ria Vela
Trouble In Paradise de Ria Vela
CH CS - IE CH - IB CH- VDH CH -LUX CH -B CH-SCH CH - IS CH Top Gun de Ria Vela Elite A Trialer Etalon recommande
Famara de Ria Vela
Stand On It de Ria Vela
Junior CH Nice Haley Happy Company
ICH, MCH, MJCH, SK Grand CH Nice Brad Happy Company Club winner, Junior Club winner, BIS working dog
CH Nice Lilly Happy Company
CH Nice Sean Happy Company
Shadymist Gift Of Grace
Shadymist Remembers Rebekah
Shadymist Sugar And Spice
Shadymist Clara Barton
Riley Of George's Shadymist Murphy
Madam Daphne From Shadymist
Shadymist Moses
Shadymist Maggie Chappell
Shadymist Whispers Of Wyatt
Shadymist Angel Shana
Shadymist Lily Bird
Silvermine-Shadymist Osiris The One
Silvermine Hope Lingafelter
Shadymist Shades Of Grace
Whitegold's Lighter Shade Of Pale
Whitegold's All You Need Is Love
Int. Nat. Ch. Whitegold's Jade
Shadymist She Is Isis
Ariel's Majik Under The Sea
Belle's Enchanted Majik

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