
Golden Retriever

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Furry Ears Gundog Andie

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Furry Ears Gundog Andie (FCI A)
Furry Ears Gundog Aristo
Furry Ears Gundog Archie
Furry Ears Gundog Akiro (FCI A)
Furry Ears Gundog Abbey (FCI A)
Furry Ears Gundog Acira (FCI A)
Furry Ears Gundog Amely (FCI B)
Int.FTCH Bell Oktave Benjamin (FCI A/A)
Bell Oktave B-Pollo (B)
Bell Oktave Bon Bon (FCI A/A)
Int.FTCH It.FTCH Birdsgreen Simply Flint (BVA 4:4)
Birdsgreen Simply Marble of Sampsford (BVA 5/5)
Birdsgreen Simply Granite (A2)
Birdsgreen Simply Clay of Tawnyhill (BVA 7/4)
Eng. FT. CH. Kessgold Volvo (BVA 6/6)
Kessgold Sunbeam
Kessgold Porsche (BVA 4/4)
Kessgold Morris
Kessgold Mercedes
Kessgold Lagonda
Kessgold Jaguar
Kessgold Humber (BVA 12/3)
FTW Elmbrook Kitty (BVA 6/5)
Elmbrook Jane of Glenconway
Elmbrook Mary
Elmbrook Lydia
Elmbrook Lizzy
Elmbrook Charlene
Elmbrook Amos
Elmbrook Alex
Chieldmarc Countess (HD-A)
Chieldmarc Konstanze (A)
Chieldmarc Pamina
Int.FT.Ch. Bell Oktave Apollo (HD-A)
Bell Oktave Amber Ginger (A)
Bell Oktave Ally (FCI B 1)
Bell Oktave Amigo (C)
Bell Oktave Amor (C)
Bell Oktave Annie (A)
Bell Oktave Aron (A)
Bell Oktave Asco
Bell Oktave Athos (A)
Holway Breya (BVA 3/5)
Holway Rajah
Holway Rambo
Holway Reader
Holway Rebel
Holway Remona (BVA 5/3)
Holway Rhapsody
Holway Roger (FCI A1/A1)
Holway Rosetta of Salsawattiez (4/4)
Holway Ria at Melgold
Holway Bridget
Holway Brolly
Holway Bronty
Holway Brook (BVA 3:3)
Holway Broom
Stonehunter Lavanda Lilly (FCI B)
Stonehunter L?/Stonehunter Lo
Gaytonwood Drifter (BVA 6:3)
Gaytonwood Daisy (31/29)
FTW Scherzando Pisces (7/12)
Scherzando Libra
FTW Holywear Briar Rose at Gaytonwood (BVA 21:8)
Holywear Jasmin of Eastdale
Holywear Guelder Rose (BVA 5/6)
Holywear Damson
Holywear Juniper (A2)
Holywear Gorse (BVA 5/8)
Stonehunter Evita (A2)
Stonehunter Esserando Duke (B1)
Stonehunter Eging Mika (B1)
Stonehunter Ematito Leo (A2)
Stonehunter Emperado Paul (B2)
Stonehunter El Purio Donn (A2)
Stonehunter Eagle Red ?mie (B1)
Stonehunter Eshet Shari (A1)
Stonehunter Ebony Nele (A2)
Omskakas Helst (A1)
Omskakas Hellre (B1)
Omskakas Helst Av Allt (A1)
FTA Omskakas Hela Tiden (A1)
Stonehunter Donna Chaggy (B2)
DRC-Arbeits-Ch. Stonehunter Dartmore Connor (A1)
Stonehunter Dallas Pink Judy (C2)
Stonehunter Dante Leroy
Stonehunter Debora Cora
Stonehunter Derby Black
Stonehunter Diamond Luna (B1)
Stonehunter Diana Sammy (B1)
Stonehunter DoradoJack (B1)

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