
Golden Retriever

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Arobryns Oakes Phoebe CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Arobryns Oakes Phoebe CGC (OFA GR-81684E33F-PI)
Quantocks Arobryn Nicholas
Quantocks Katydid (OFA GR-49796G26F)
Quantock's King Of The Hill (OFA GR-52406G35M)
Quantocks Piper Kub CD TD
Quantocks Sun-Bronzed Adonis (OFA GR-25019E28M)
Quantocks Phaedra (OFA GR-23815G24F)
Am/Bda CH Copper Lee Gold Rush Apollo OS SDHF (OFA GR-10501)
Am CH Gold Rush Copper Lee WC (OFA GR-12948)
Am CH Copper Lee Gold-Rush Legend
Copper Lee Gold Rush Desiree
Am CH Sunshine Hill Copperlee Pozy (OFA GR-12869)
Copper Lee Gold-Rush Cascade OD (OFA GR-10582)
Valentine's Golden Teddy Bear
Copper Lee Goldwing's Diana (OFA GR-14171)
Quantocks Phyrst Edition (OFA GR-14239 (good))
Quantock's Phyrst Lady (OFA GR-15654)
Quantocks Phyrst Down
Quantocks Golden Captivator UD (OFA GR-23273G31F)
Quantocks Phyrst Class CD (OFA GR-16274)
Quantock's Sandpiper CD (OFA GR-32245F24F)
Quantocks Talisman
Quantock's Tiffany Of Phoenix (OFA GR-27251G24F)
Quantocks Tarazzian Jewel (OFA GR-33698E37F)
Quantocks Thor D'Oro CDX TD (OFA GR-27498G25M)
Quantock's Arobryn Sabrina
Quantocks Arobryn Unity
Quantocks Queen Annes Lace NA, NAJ (OFA GR-63502F25F-T)
Quantocksuniquevictorious (OFA GR-70827F36F-PI)
Quantock-Hunts Renny (OFA GR-63388F25M-T)
Am. CH. Hunts Usher Of Quantock (OFA GR-67363G24M-T)
Quantock's Ugerna Of Woburn (OFA GR-67854F24F)
Am. CH. Hunts Jefferson OS SDHF (OFA GR-36724G24M)
Hunts Judge For Yourself (OFA GR-36976G24M)
Am. CH. Hunts Jagged Edge CDX, WC, VC (OFA GR-36677G24M-T)
Am. CH Hunts Jodie OD (OFA GR-36723G24F)
Am. CH. Aspenglo Telluride OS SDHF (OFA GR-31867G24M)
Am. CH Aspenglo Deer Valley UD (OFA GR-31753G24M)
Am. CH Aspenglo Beech Comber (OFA GR-31948F24M)
Am. CH Aspenglo Sunlite Summit (OFA GR-31875F24F)
Am. CH Aspenglo Prevailing Wind SDHF (OFA GR-33251F29F)
Jap?CH Aspenglo Everglades
Am. CH Aspenglo Denali
Am. CH Aspenslo Yellow Stone CD
Aspenglo Hunter Mountain
Am CH Aspenglo Angel Fire OD SDHF
Am. CH. Hunts Rani OD (OFA GR-17912)
Am. CH. Hunts Robinson (OFA GR-19938)
Quantock's Love Of Pleasure (OFA GR-52801G27F)
Am./Can. CH. Colabaugh's Daredevil UD JH WC OS Can. WC (OFA GR-40509G26M)
Am Ch. Birnam Wood's Honeymoon Sweet (OFA GR-49201F27F)
Birnam Wood Hill Sweet Blues (OFA GR-48757G24F-T)
CH. Birnam Wood's Sweet Revenge (OFA GR-53521G40F-T)
U-CDX Birnam Wood's Sweet Victory UD JH WCX VC (OFA GR-49432F27M)
Birnam Wood Frankly Sweethart
Can CH Brookshire's Kelly Devil
Am./Can. CH. Colabaugh's Tazmanian Devil (OFA GR-40369G25F)
Quantock's Sandpiper CD (OFA GR-32245F24F)

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