
Golden Retriever

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RouJCh,Breed Club Winner '19,CRUFTS Qualified 2020 Angels in Leash Google Gone Wild At Shadymist

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

RouJCh,Breed Club Winner '19,CRUFTS Qualified 2020 Angels in Leash Google Gone Wild At Shadymist (FCI A)
INT/Nat CH, UKC CH Angels in Leash Gone Baby Gone CGCA CGCU (OFA GR-129125G24M-PI)
Angels In Leash God Bless the Queen
Angels In Leash Goddesse Kaisa
C.I.B.,C.I.E.,RoJCh,HJCh,SRJCh,HRJCh,BGCH,ROCH,HRCH,SRBCH,HCH Pearl of Hunters Stormy Sky (FCI A/A (2014))
Pearl of Hunters Stormy Summer (OFA GR-114784E27F-VPI)
HCH, SrbCH, RoCH, RoGrandCH Pearl of Hunters Stormy Love (A/A)
WW'09'11, EW'07'08, JEW'05, Int CH, Multi CH Dewmist Silk Screen Working Test, Middle European Winner 2006 (B (2005.04.28))
SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) Dewmist Silk'n Sequins (A/A)
JEW'07 Dewmist Sky of Silk (C/C)
Int. Sh. Ch. (C.I.E.), PL Ch., VDH (Dt) Ch. Dewmist Silk Symphony PL Junior Ch., Baltic Winner '05 (HD A (2005))
Dewmist Silk Sensation (A/A 2005)
Dewmist Silk'n Sassy (A/A)
Dewmist Smooth As Silk (C/C)
SU(U)CH Dewmist Silk'n Satin (HD A (2005))
SE U(U)CH DK UCH Dewmist Strands of Silk (A (2007))
EST & LV & LT & RUS & BALT JCH BALT JW05 Dewmist Silk Spirit (HD-A (2005))
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel (A/A (2003))
Erinderry Gaelic Summer (BVA(3:6))
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess (BVA Hip Score 8:8)
Erinderry Gaelic Song (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Gaelic Mist (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze (6:7)
Erinderry Hannah of Salako (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Hamlet (30:25 (4 years old))
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis (BVA Hip Score 5:4)
Erinderry Hercules (11:10)
ChSwe, Den, Nor, NordW-03, VWW-08 Styal Silksilla SweW-04, BOB World Dog Show 2008 (B (1999))
Styal Sylvester (HD:C (2001.10.11))
Styal Sylverlina (BVA 14:3)
Styal Silkya of Wylwind
STYAL SYLVANIA (HD:A (2000.10.11))
Int.Ch.HRCh.RoCh.SKCh.HCh.HSCh.HJCh.Lux.JCh. Burning Hot of The Famous Family (A/A (2010))
CIE. Ch. Best Wishes of the Famous Family (A)
Belissima of the Famous Family (A/A)
MultCh, ChUA, ChMOL, ChBYE, ChRUS, JChUa Big Boss of the Famous Family (A/A(2011))
HJCH Born Wild of the Famous Family (A)
JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family (FCI HD-A)
JunChRus, ChRus, JunChNkp, ChNkp, ChRKF Ballerina of the Famous Family (HD A (2009))
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (FCI HD-A/A (2006))
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix (A/A 2006)
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B (A/A (2006))
WW'12. HSCH. HJCh. Dewmist Star Of The Blue Hope (B(2007))
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Star of India (A/A)
Dewmist Star of Ruspoli
SU(U)CH, NUCH, SE VW 2014 Dewmist Star Of Africa (HD A(2007))
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Star of Koh-I-Noor (B/B)
RoJCh, MN Ch Angelonato Kristal Brilliant (A)
Angelonato Queen of Hearts (AA)
C.I.B., Blr, Rus, Pl, Ukr Ch Golden Rose-Bay's Nordic Magical Mystery (HD A)
GOLDEN ROSE-BAY'S Nordic Mystery Star
Golden Rose Bay's Northern Mystery Light
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10 (A1 (Nederland))
Majik Belle Of The Ball
EEJW-11 Majik Zia Monica (B/C (2011.05.24))
Majik Zest For Life (OFA Jan 2011 Mild Dysplasia)
MAJIK TITTLE-TATTLE (A (2010.04.16))
Majik Trendy Wendy (A/B (2010.08.27))
Majik Bus-Stop Madonna (C-C)
Aust.Ch Majik Truly Julie
Belg. Vet Ch. Golden Rose-Bay's Jattefin (B2)
Сh Blr Charlott Chantilly (BB)
GRAND CH BLR, BREED CH, D-1(DUCK) Kanrit Daly Ruffino (HD free)
Kanrit Daly Radichi Fiano
Sky Pride Narmada
Sky Pride Naomi (A/A)
Sky Pride Nuntia

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