
Golden Retriever

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BackRiver's Bizzy As A Bee CDX RA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

BackRiver's Bizzy As A Bee CDX RA (OFA GR-EL6916F24-NOPI)
Backriver Be All You Can Be
Goslings Valley Gold Zack
Valley Gold Saratoga Rough
Ch Gosling's Burnt Hills Bonanza
CH Talisman's Hideninda Heather WC
Am. CH. Pond House Mr Roberts OS
Stonehill's Panache
Am. CH Laurell's Del Mar
Laurell's Tumbleweed Casino
Laurell's Anjes Gamblin' Man
Laurell's Roulette
Laurell's Don't Give Up
Am. CH Laurell's Aqueduct CD
Am. Ch. Laurell's Centennial
Am. Ch. Laurell's Coming Up Roses
Am./Can. CH Laurell's Go For Broke
Am./Can. CH. Laurell's Ace High
Am. Ch. Laurell's Up To The Top OD
Laurell's Tessahoc Up and At'em
Am. Ch. Laurell's Darby Downs
Am. CH Laurell's Golden Gate CD WC
Laurell's Hialeah
Laurell's Hollywood Park
Birch Run Clue of Valleygold
Birch Run Autumglo DBL Dare
Am./Can. CH. Daystar Goslings Orion CD WC
Am. CH. Daystar's Tornado Warning OS SDHF
Daystar Rockcreek Tempest UD
Am Ch Daystar Small Craft Warning OD
Am. CH Daystar Goslings Gemini
Am. CH Daystar's Busy Feet
Am. CH Daystar Dawn's Misty Morning
Daystar Aylwyn's Windy City
Am. CH Daystar Molega's Windjammer
Daystar Break Water Splash
Daystar Delegate Of Dorian
Daystar Auburn Country
Trowsnest Daystar Mistral
Am./Can. CH. Daystar Westwind Of Camalire Can SDHF
Westbrook's Sunshine 'O My Life CD
Am./Can. CH. Westbrook's One From The Heart
Westbrook Jayba's Valentino
Am. & Can. Ch. GI-KI's Movin To Primetime CDX
GI-KI's One and Only
GI-KI's Movin With Panache
Am & Can. Ch. Tuxedo's Sweet Move
GI-KI's Movin Heads In Cincy TDI (OFA GR-EL2254-T)
Int'l CH GI-KI's Movin On Rybolt AX AXP OAJ MJP (OFA GR-EL1962-T)
GI-KI's Movin Billy Joe
GI-KI's Movin Olympic Style CD CGC OD (OFA GR-EL8443F91PI)
Am. CH. Tuxedo's Tequila Sunrise OS
CanCH Tuxedo's Jamaica Me Crazy
CH Tuxedo's Mimosa
Tuxedo's Champagne Julep
Tuxedo's Ferdinand Magellan
Tuxedo's Eclipse At Calusa
CH Tuxedo's Champagne Punch
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (OFA GR-EL646M62)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials
Faera's Future Finesse
Faera's Future Looks Rosy
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd
Faera's Future Classy Cassy
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (OFA GR-EL661F81)
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF
Am. CH Laurell's Going Hollywood OD
Laurell's Family Ties
Laurell's Current Affair
Laurell's All In The Family
Laurell's Go Dugan
Laurell's Go For The Gold
Am. CH Laurell's Gunsmoke At Nealcrest (OFA GR-EL259M24)
Am. CH Laurell Kylie Girl Go CD
Laurell's Go The Distance
Am. CH Laurell's Love Connection (OFA GR-EL269F24)
Can./Am. CH Laurell's Goin' My Way
Laurell's Designing Women
Am CH Laurell's Goin' Great Guns OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL106M24-T)
Am. CH Tuxedo's Celebrity OD (OFA GR-EL847-T)
Am. CH Laurell's Inside Trader (OFA GR-EL270M25)
CH Tuxedo's Savannah Encore
Tuxedo's Rave Review
Tuxedo's Center Stage
Laurell's Capital Gain
Heltzers Mr Ranger
Laurell's Cooperstown Option
Laurell's Across The Board
Tucker's Line Of Credit
CH Tuxedo's Acclaim To Fame OS
Tuxedo's Standing Ovation CDX
CH Tuxedo's Leading Man
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL100M67)
Laurell's With A Hearty Cheer
Laurell's With Ablaze Of Glory
Laurell's With Oliver's Song
Laurells With Flying Colors
Laurell's Celebration Heart
Am. Ch. Laurell's Three Cheers
Am. Ch. Laurell's With A Victory Yell
Laurell With Banners Waving UD AX (OFA GR-EL405F84)
Laurell's Rave Review
Am. CH Summit's Almond Delight OD
Summit's Cracklin Oats UD
Summit's Just Right
Summit's Shana Is Just Right
Summit's Apple Jacks CD
Summit's Sir Golden Grahams
Summit's Ghost Buster

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