
Golden Retriever

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Gay Jet Robbin

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gay Jet Robbin (AKC S585580 (6/56))
Tonkahof Kilroy (AKC S-093977)
Tonkahof Empress (AKC A793603 (2/1945))
Tonkahof Electra (AKC A793601 (2/1945))
Am. Dual CH. Tonkahof Esther Belle DDHF (AKC A793606 (2/1945))
Tonkahof Echo (AKC A793600 (2/1945))
Tonkahof Emblem (AKC A793602 (2/1945))
Tonkahof Encore (AKC A793604 (2/1945))
Tonkahof Ensign (AKC A793605 (2/1945))
Tonkahof General (AKC S012426 (7/1046))
Tonkahof Ginger CD (AKC S012430 (7/1946))
Tonkahof Go Bang (AKC S012427 (7/1946))
Tonkahof Golden Boy (AKC S012428 (7/1946))
Tonkahof Golden Girl (AKC S012425 (7/1946))
Tonkahof Goldilocks (AKC S012431 (7/1946))
Am. CH. Tonkahof Kelly (AKC S093976 (6/47))
Tonkahof Gail ** (AKC S012429 (7/1946))
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF (AKC A-489313-6/41)
Tonkahof Buckshot (AKC A489314 (6/1941))
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bamby CD (AKC A489316 (6/41))
Tonkahof Bacchus (AKC A489315 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Beebe (AKC A489317 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Betty (AKC A489318 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Blaze (AKC A489319 (6/1941))
Am. CH. Goldwood Pluto *** OS (AKC A-169087-8/37)
Goldwood Ibbie (AKC A169091 (8/1937))
Goldwood Rocky (AKC A167112 (8/1937))
Goldwood Smuggler (AKC A172426 (8/1937))
Goldwood Windsor *** (AKC A-169090-8/37)
Goldwood Ditt OD (AKC A199579 (1/1938))
Goldwood Bob (AKC A169089)
Goldwood Wallis ** (AKC A169088 - 8/1937)
Buff of Golden Valley (AKC A-323085-6/49)
Sunshine of Golden Valley *** (AKC A323082 (6/1939))
Dawn Of Golden Valley (AKC A323084 - 6/1939)
Ferdinand Of Golden Valley (AKC A323087 - 6/1939)
Miss Of Golden Valley (AKC A323086 - 6/1939)
Star Of Golden Valley (AKC A323083 - 6/1939)
Am. CH. Tonka Belle Of Woodend OD (AKC A-215130-2/38)
Andy (A210755) (AKC A210755 (2/1938))
Tuck's Bang of Woodend (AKC A734298 (5/1944))
Golden Amber Of Woodend (AKC A525996 (12/1941))
Marigold Of Woodend (AKC A708667 (1/1944))
Dirk Of Woodend (AKC A550595 (3/1942))
FC Banty of Woodend (AKC A-299293 - 3/1939)
Nippletop of Woodend (AKC A299292 - 3/1939)
Rod Of Woodend (AKC A308101 - 4/1939)
Flash Of Woodend (AKC A278628 - 12/1938)
Barbara Of Woodend (AKC A229829 - 5/1938)
Twinkle Of Woodend (AKC A561339 (4/1942))
Sir Robert Of Woodend ** (AKC A209394 - 2/1938)
Grain Belt Of Woodend (AKC A202870 - 1/1938)
Topper of Woodend (AKC A-555363 (3/1942))
Peptwo Of Woodend II (AKC A327910 - 7/1939)
Rockhaven Tuck ** OS (AKC A-020613 - 11/1935)
Rockhaven Michael Of Moreton (AKC A47137 (3/1936))
Rockhaven Zazu
Rockhaven Beau Brummel Can ***
Can. CH. Rockhaven Lempi (AKC 839656 (9/1932))
Rockhaven Dan (AKC 796,932 (10-31))
Rockhaven Rover (AKC 795,593 (10-31))
Can. CH. Rockhaven Maiha (AKC A560043 (4/1942))
Rockhaven Rival
Can. CH. Rockhaven Russet (AKC 894,292 (10/1933))
Am./Can. CH. Rockhaven Harold (AKC 839659 (9/1932))
Rockhaven Dinah (AKC 994,686 - 6/1935)
Rockhaven Judy ** OD (AKC A-87255 (8/1936))
Am. CH. Rockhaven Whitebridge Nobby (AKC A-73433 (6/1936))
Rockhaven Ben Bolt *** OS (AKC A-184622 (11/1937))
Can. CH. Rockhaven Punch
Golden Showers (S479322) (AKC S479322 (11/51))
April Showers II's Spec (AKC S410713 (12/1950))
Winnasha Golden Fury (AKC S373268 (6/50))
April Of Winnebagoland (AKC S456697 (7/1951))
Golden Showers (S470322) (AKC S-470322)
Ike Of April Showers II (AKC S479350 (11/51))
Hickories King (AKC S384099 (8/50))
R. R. Rival II *** (AKC A-888608)
Aura Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626664 (1/1943))
Boots Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626669 (1/1943))
Hermit Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626668 (1/1943))
Kahn Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626671 (1/1943))
Mischief Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626661 (1/1943))
Nugget Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626670 (1/1943))
Puck Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626672 (1/1943))
Titan Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626667 (1/1943))
R. R. Dust (AKC S051505 (12/46))
R R Boots (AKC S051501 (12/46))
R R Bruce (AKC S051502 (12/46))
R R Diana (AKC S051503 (12/46))
R R Echo III (AKC S051509 (12/46))
R R Ginger (AKC S051504 (12/46))
R R Nip (AKC S051508 (12/46))
R. R. Nugget (A888609) (AKC A888609)
R. R. Alicia (AKC A861923)
R. R. Rival (AKC A861921)
Sprite of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626663 (1/1943))
Am. CH. R. R. Star (AKC S051510 (12/46))
R R Wing (AKC S051507 (12/46))
RR Starlight
Pixie of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626665 (1/1943))
Waggener's Rusty (AKC S081596 (5/1947))
Star of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626662 (1/1943))
Ajax Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626666 (1/1943))
FC Goldwood Tuck OS FDHF (AKC A205346 (1/1938))
Goldwood Tala (AKC A205345 - 1/1938)
Goldwood Trigger (AKC A205343 - 1/1938)
Wind of Woodend (AKC A232874 - 5/1938)
Goldwood Topsy (AKC A205344 - 1/1938)
Rip's Countess of Woodend (AKC A375076 (2/1940))
Rip's Dinah of Woodend *** (AKC A375075 (2/1940))
Rip's Gorgeous Of Woodend (AKC A375077 (2/1940))
Michael Of Woodend *** OS (AKC A-327770 - 7/1939)
Oleander Of Woodend (AKC A370749 (1/1940))
AmCH Deer Creek's Anne K Of Woodend *** (AKC A360965 (12/1939))
Peter of Woodend *** OS (AKC A569148 (5/42))
Kay of Woodend (AKC A371865 (1/1940))
Gipsy Of Woodend (AKC A357315 (12/1939))
April Showers II *** (AKC S178356 (4/1948))
Gunner Of Orono (AKC S138422 (11/1947))
Gin of Willow Springs (AKC S646466 (6/1954))
Brandy Of Orono (AKC S138423 (11/1947))
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF (AKC A-489313-6/41)
Tonkahof Buckshot (AKC A489314 (6/1941))
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bamby CD (AKC A489316 (6/41))
Tonkahof Bacchus (AKC A489315 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Beebe (AKC A489317 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Betty (AKC A489318 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Blaze (AKC A489319 (6/1941))
Ginger of Orono (AKC A421831 (9/1940))
Cocoa (AKC A415825 (8/1940))
Colonel Tucker (AKC A432215 (11/1940))
Rock-Russet Gold (AKC A438504 (12/1940))
Thor Of Aesir (AKC A479808 (5/1941))
Barkis Of Bee (AKC A492386 (7/1941))
Lady Hance OD (AKC A-418642 (8/1940))

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