K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Vino De Bacchus NobileMontepulciano

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Vino De Bacchus NobileMontepulciano
Vino De Bacchus Nouveau
Vino De Bacchus Navara
VinodeBacchus nobilmontepulciano (DK12596/2017)
Vino De Bacchus Ostara
Ir.FTCH Burren Injector
Belfast Mate
Brookbird Kane
Convent Jake
Cross Drake
Dont Run In
Good Girl Lisa
Stuarts Girl
Tullyawe Dancer
Ir.FTCh Marranscar Blackcap (IKC-Y30178)
Banktop Cygnet
FTW Carmedow Goldfinch
Lostrigg Medlar
Marranfoot Joker
FTW Marranscar Swinside Goldleaf
Risefitz Black Arrow
Springtide Spionkop
Whalebank Wheatear
GB FTCh Rod Wallace of Leadburn (KC3348CL)
Dariusz Adamczuk
FTW Bengrave Michael Mols
Juno Murray of Haggisbank
Jenny Gray of Countryways
Van Bronckhorst at Ernevale
Allan Johnston af Robbers'den
Weathers Ivy of Marranscar (KCAB02325907)
Sandy Sharp
Leaping Jalmo
Willys Hawk
Dingles Mell
Brownedge Bracken
Sunderland Knoch
Shadowland Jayne
Tim Tack Luce
Copperbirch Dancer
Copperbirch Santa's Helper of Tyrrellison (Other AF0901072)
Copperbirch Monte Rosa
ISFTCH Copperbirch Montanus (FCI IS09629/06)
Copperbirch Sierra Madra
FTCh Copperbirch Dasher
Copperbirch Olympus
Copperbirch Krackatoa
Copperbirch Killmanjaro
Copperbirch Montserrat
Copperbirch Errigal
Copperbirch Fuji
Copperbirch Comet
Copperbirch Cupid
Copperbirch El Misti
FTCh Donaghaguy Garnet (Other AC01470401)
Donaghaguy Emerald of Copperbirch
Donaghaguy Topaz of Copperbirch
Donaghaguy Opal
Donaghaguy Diamond
Donaghaguy Saphire
Donaghaguy Ruby
Donaghaguy Amber
Brookbird Maeve of Copperbirch (Other AE0901056)
Brookbird Fern
Brookbird Paddy
Eng.Irl.Ft.Ch. Brookbird Daniel (KC 4859CK)
Ir.FTCH Brookbird Tide (KC SB 3547CL)
Brookbird Anna
Brookbird Apprentice
Brookbird Bracken
Brookbird Fowler
Brookbird Tam
Brookbird Zola
Brookbird Cruiser
Brookbird Gale
Vino De Bacchus Helfensteiner (Other DK 14256/2012)
Vino De Bacchus Hunter
Vino De Bacchus Heurige
DKBRCH DKJCH Lochiness Green Chive
Lochiness Green Rosemary (FCI DK06899/2007)
Lochiness Green Thyme
Lochiness Green Ginger
Lochiness Green Parsley
Lochiness Green Camomille
Lochiness Green Menta
Lochiness Green Basil
Lochiness Green Terragon
FTW Garronpoint Ross of Drakeshead
Garronpoint Slaney
Garronpoint Windrush
Garronpoint Arun
Garronpoint Clyde Of Saxaphone
FTCh Garronpoint Rye of Lincswolds
FTCh Garronpoint Liffey
SE J(A)CH Garronpoint Mole
SE J(J)CH Garronpoint Arron (FCI S39584/2005)
Greenbriar Beret
Greenbriar Agincourt
Greenbriar Boyne of Snowdell
FTCh Greenbriar Glencoe of Drakeshead (Other KCSB 4023CN)
FTW Greenbriar Hastings MH (KC SB 2518CP)
Greenbriar Nazeby of Rockybrook (Other KCSB 2601CP)
Greenbriar Topper of Altiquin
Greenbriar Fedora of Rockybrook (Other KCSB 3539CS)
Greenbriar Bonnet
OFTW Greenbriar Alamo of Middlegate (Other KCSB 3916CN)
OFTW Greenbriar Falkland (KC AC00513508)
Greenbriar Bowler of Brindlebay
Greenbriar Cullodan
Greenbriar Trafalgar
Greenbriar Panama Of Middlegate
Greenbriar Trilby of Hatchfield (Other KCSB 3077CS)
FTCh Greenbriar Gettysburg (Other KCSB 4106CN)
Kali-Kama Tusnelda (FCI 20404/2005)
Kali-Kama Turbo
DKJCH Elitevinder 2006 Pocklea Braken Berry (Other KCSB 4363CN)
Pocklea Beatle
Pocklea Black Bee
Pocklea Bunting
Kali-Kama Tulippa (FCI 14344/2002)
Kali-Kama Tweedeleedee
Kali-Kama Tahlula

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