
Golden Retriever

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Gracie Dora Of Jaycee Grae Goldens

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gracie Dora Of Jaycee Grae Goldens
Lonesome Pine's Elsa
Lonesome Pine's Jasmine (OFA GR-122471G39F-VPI)
Jaycee Devon Of Jaycee Grae Goldens
Bailey Vee Dodd
Aust Ch Montego Silversong (OFA GR-104833G54M-NOPI)
Montego Chasin Dreams (6:2)
Montego Miss Montana
Vet Int'l CH Montego Silvermist (OFA GR-99782G29M-PI)
Montego Ice Chaser
Aust Ch Montego the Swagman (5/5)
Aust CH Montego Mity Classy CD ET QC (2/7=9)
Aust Ch Montego Phantom Opera (7/7)
Aust Ch Goldtreve Camrose Belle (6/6)
Australian Grand Champion Goldtreve Camrose Tess (A.I.) (9:11)
Aust. CH Goldtreve Camrose Tobias (6:5)
Aust Ch Goldtreve Camrose Star
Goldtreve Camrose Cadet (AI) (AVA Hip Score 5:4)
Goldtreve Camrose Fabius
Goldtreve Camrose Lucius
Montego Ice Magic (7/5)
Montego Summer Skye (17)
Aust. Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (2:5)
Willowlawn Fortune Teller of Bellemount JW (22:19)
Willowlawn Clairvoyant (5:6)
Aust Ch. Montego Absolute Bliss (8)
Montego Make Believe
Montego Heavenly Bliss (3/5)
Aust. Ch. Montego Airs And Graces (7)
Aust Ch Montego Christobelle
Aust Ch Montego Ring My Belle (0/0)
Skye's Ariel Of Lonesome Pine Goldens
Stoney Ridge's Coconut Dream (OFA GR-117023E32F-VPI)
Skye's Snow White Of Lonesome Pine Goldens
K & H Super Countryloven Satin Sea ''Hanna''
Stoney Ridge's New Man In Town (OFA GR-114092G54M-VPI)
Tahoe Goldens Dupreezio
Silky Kisses
J R's Golden Angels Blind Tasting BN RA CCA CGC (OFA GR-108514G29F-VPI)
JunCH.NKP,JunCH.Rus Showboat Satin Sea Mist Iz Stolitsy Urala
JunCh.Rus Shimmi Dans Iz Stolitsy Urala (OFA GR-103652E24M-VPI)
Sharlotta Zlata iz Stolitsy Urala
Shikarnaya Ledi Iz Stolitsy Urala (FCI A)
JunCh.Rus,Ch.Rus O-La-La Iz Stolitsy Urala (HD-A (0))
Okay iz Stolitsy Urala
Gold Standard Silk Secret Cali Girl
Gold Standard Versace (OFA GR-114030G54F-VPI)
Gold Standard Ice Angel Willow
Gold Standard Dazzle
Gentalmen Prefer Blonds Marilyn Monroe
Rebel Without A Cause James Dean
Can. CH Amadeus G.R. From Babelsbergi (OFA GR-102666G35M-VPI)
CanCH Angel G.R. from Babelsbergi
Apple GR From Babelsbergi (OFA GR-107880G41F-VPI)
Astra G.R. From Babelsbergi
Ellie's White Gold
Diesal King
Solid Rock Strong Prince Trouper (OFA GR-108182G35M-NOPI)
Rankin's Strong Stael CCA (OFA GR-110564G29M-VPI)
A Hope and First of Shandy-Holly (OFA GR-105299G30F-VPI)
Oakbrooks Promise Of Spring
Kimberly Heights Chico
Lady Ziva of Council House
Mystic Views Glimmer of Hope
White Sandee Sure
Goldenway's Snow Bear

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