
Golden Retriever

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Dolly Sanitacteam Day

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dolly Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR707910)
Delta Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR707908 zr)
Dylan Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 707903 zr)
JChMNE, WT Disco Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 707906)
Destiny Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 707907)
Dexter Sanitacteam Day (AKC SS09848404)
JChMNE, WT Davos Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 707901)
Diamond Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 707909)
Denver Sanitacteam Day (AKC SS09848401)
SRB/MNE/MAK El Magnifico Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 706775)
Eliot Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 7067773)
Edison Sanitacteam Day (AKC SR98805601 (10-17))
Elton Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR706777 zr)
Elvin Sanitacteam Day (AKC SR97486801)
RoJCh, RoCH, SrbCH Moondust Highlander (FCI COR A 4569-15/111)
Australian CH Moondust Glenlivit
Moondust Abelour
JChRus,ChRus,JChNGRC,ChNGRC,ChRKF Moondust Delmoss
JchUa, Mol, Breed, Ch UA, Mol, Bir, Bes Moondust Faberge
JCH Moondust Estacy
Moondust Tarquin (AKC SR90052501)
Moondust Scapa (FCI 2887277)
Moondust Caol Ila
Moondust Aberfeldy
Moondust Talisker (LOE)
Multi BIS.Ina.Ch. Moondust Scappa (FCI 2887277)
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10 (Other FIN25993/09)
Majik Belle Of The Ball
EEJW-11 Majik Zia Monica (FCI FI32110/10)
C.I.E.-SEU(U)CH-DKCH(U)-NORDUCH-NUCH-EECH-LVCH Majik Zero To Hero (FCI SE46134/2010)
Majik Zest For Life (AKC SR63288301)
Majik Trendy Wendy (FCI FI25996/09)
Majik Bus-Stop Madonna (FCI FI59570/11)
Aust.Ch Majik Truly Julie (FCI FI25997/09)
Broadway of The Morning Valley
Tr Fr Bryant of the Morning Valley (FCI 101 718/11 861)
Bam Bam Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR54236502 (12-09))
Barkley of the Morning Valley
SRB/Field Trial Fiveshill Gabriela (FCI JR 705479)
Fiveshill Bernardo
Utopia de Alaria (FCI LOE)
Uschi de Alaria
Cheek to Cheek Very Merry Berry
Cheek to Cheek Venetian Sunset
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic
Cheek to Cheek Vino Verano (Other NHSB 2567824)
Pl.Ch. Cheek to Cheek Valencia Smile (FCI PKR.VIII-15863)
Jr.Pl.Ch., Pl.Ch. Cheek to Cheek Vodka Sunrise
WT Dyana Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 706235 zr)
Dastin Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR706232)
David Sanitacteam Day
InterMultiCh.Srb. Simonis Dunny Dean (FCI JR 76531 zr)
Simonis Brad
Simonis Breetha
ICH, Multi CH, Nat.Work.Ch Erinderry King Of The Blues Working Test - 2xCACT
Ir Sh Ch Erinderry Kashia Star
Erinderry Kashia Brave
ChYu Astra of the Cedar Tree Star (FCI JR 71017)
Ambra of the Cedar Tree Star
ChMNE Norrybell Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 78570 zr)
Nickienight Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 78574)
Nancylight Sanitacteam Day (FCI JR 78571)
International, Slovenian, Croatian Champion Xanthos Blaze Of Glory Club Junior winner (HR 11011 GR)
Xanthos Beaumaris Maid (AKC SN81882901)
Xanthos Baby Bunting
Xanthos Barley Corn
Xanthos Be Bop A Lula At Pinellas (Other KC Reg. AA02617007)
Xanthos Be Mine At Boxheath (Other KC Reg. AA02617006)
Xanthos Bee In My Bonnet
Xanthos Bird Song
Xanthos Bold As Brass
Xanthos Box Clever
Xanthos Brazen Hussy
Xanthos Burning Bright
Ch.Srb Splendid Star Trixie (FCI JR 75630 zr)
Splendid Star Little Tiger (AKC SR43253401 (8-08))
Splendid Star Tiffany (AKC SR43253402 (6-08))
Splendid Star Tango (AKC SR43253403)

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