K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Wanda-Dakota vom Egelsee

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wanda-Dakota vom Egelsee (FCI LO1851054)
Dark Red Rock von der Burg Scharfenstein (Other FCG-10-99905123)
Habbo von der Burg Scharfenstein
Dean von der Burg Scharfenstein (Other FCG-10-99905122)
Huntfield's Red Baron (AKC SR47938706)
TTF Huntfield's Redcoat Sam (AKC SR22047507)
Kellygreens Morgan of Huntfield (AKC SR32663402)
Kelleygreens Maka Ula Ilio (AKC SR32663409)
Kellygreens Tahoe Jasmine (AKC SR32663404)
East Coast Rumbling Red Reno (AKC SN75054406)
Haluna von der Holzm?hle
Dara von der Holzmühle (Other 26533/08 SRV)
DJ von der Holzmühle
Little River Red Flash (AKC SR 40039805)
Little River's Flame (Other SR40039806)
Little River Redheaded Country Girl (AKC SR63595501)
Penara Red Hot Chili (AKC SR41199505)
Penara's Punkin Pie (AKC SR07408501)
Ella of Rainbow (Other DHZ 11-31463)
Roemmelt Red (AKC SR 56816303)
Roemmelts Honey (AKC SR56816302)
Suess's Rusty Red Wagger (AKC SR27240805)
Ginny's Red Autumn Codiak Makia (UKC R193092)
Magnum Hunter Hasselbring
Odamyvolgyi Niki/Od?myv?lgyi Niki
Medvelaki Bator Ali
Malomhegyi Nimr?d Jukka

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