
Golden Retriever

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MB Goldenland Dione

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

MB Goldenland Dione
MB Goldenland Zeus
MB Goldenland Leda
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon (FCI A-A)
Golden Age Gorca's Clarins
Golden Age Gorca's Carola Herrera
Golden Age Gorca's Roberta di C.
Ven CH. Allegro Gorca's One Way (FCI A)
Allegro One Shot (OFA GR-50117G24F)
Allegro's Promised One (OFA GR-51502G29F-T)
Am. CH. Daystar's Tornado Warning OS SDHF (OFA GR-25707G24M)
Daystar Rockcreek Tempest UD (OFA GR-25763G25F)
Am Ch Daystar Small Craft Warning OD (OFA GR25768E24F)
Am. CH Daystar Goslings Gemini (OFA GR-20766)
Am. CH Daystar's Busy Feet (OFA GR-20736)
Am. CH Daystar Dawn's Misty Morning (OFA GR-20646)
Am./Can. CH. Daystar Goslings Orion CD WC (OFA GR-20696)
Daystar Aylwyn's Windy City (OFA GR-25823G24F)
Am. CH Daystar Molega's Windjammer (OFA GR-26584G28M-T)
Daystar Break Water Splash
Daystar Delegate Of Dorian (OFA GR-21432)
Daystar Auburn Country
Trowsnest Daystar Mistral
Am./Can. CH. Daystar Westwind Of Camalire Can SDHF (OFA GR-25593G24M-T)
Am. CH Adagio's Bonnie Blue Allegro (OFA GR-41269F29F)
Adagio's Home Improvement
Adagio's Home Galaxy (OFA GR-47066F24F)
Adagio N Cuesta Cher N' Cher
Am. CH Adagio's Color Guard
Adagio If You Have To Ask
Adagio Grand Slam Home Run CD
Adagio Blue Angel (OFA GR-47591G26F)
Gorca's Murder She Wrote (A - A)
Ven CH. Gorca's Splash Mountain
Ch.Ven. Baylor's Phantom Player
Baylor Major League Player (OFA GR-47117G30M)
Gorca's Final Fantasy
Tropical Storm
Woodspoint Feenando
CH Woodspoint One Of Us
Karabeck Darkehaven Dust Me (OFA GR-69855G37F-T)
Woodspoint Name of the Game
GCH. CHI. CH. LAT. Woodspoint Indiana
Karabeck's Driving Ms Maisey
Karabeck's Brioni (OFA GR-65710G24F)
CH. MEX. CH. BR. GR. CH. PAN. CH. INT Woodspoint Rio
CH Tuxedo's Acclaim To Fame OS (OFA GR-39064G32M)
Am. CH Laurell's Inside Trader (OFA GR-42681G25M)
CH Tuxedo's Savannah Encore (OFA GR-36635F24F)
Tuxedo's Rave Review
Tuxedo's Center Stage
Laurell's Capital Gain
Heltzers Mr Ranger
Laurell's Cooperstown Option
Laurell's Across The Board (OFA GR-42981G27M)
Tucker's Line Of Credit
Am. CH Tuxedo's Celebrity OD (OFA GR 36557G24F)
Tuxedo's Standing Ovation CDX (OFA GR-36593E24M)
CH Tuxedo's Leading Man (OFA GR-36825G25M)
Devoe Woodspoint Hot To Trot (OFA GR-55857G25F)
Devoe Hot Damm Here I Am (OFA GR-58260F32M-T)
Devoe Starr's Moonbeam CDX (OFA GR-55253G24M)
Manuelita de las Nieves
CH Ven Col PR Ecu Sugarbush Gorca's Cabernet (OFA GR-38760F27M)
Am./Int. CH. Sugarbush Stonehill's I'Am Bad (OFA GR-39379G41M)
Sugarbush Hi Sierra (OFA GR-35223G26F)
Am CH Sugarbush Working Girl CD
CH Sugarbush Totoket Barysn'kov
Am CH Sugarbush Silverado Blue (OFA GR-35222G26M)
AmCH Sugarbush Short Circuit JH WCX (OFA GR-38479G25M)
CH Sugarbush Poetry In Motion (OFA GR-40103F31F)
Sugarbush Happy Daz'r Here CD (OFA GR-42007G38F)
Charlotte de las Nieves

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