
Golden Retriever

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Barney Of The Shady Rest CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Barney Of The Shady Rest CGC (AKC SR82979405)
Ruby Sue Hicks CGC (AKC SR77649703)
Int Ch Mica Peak Is All About The Good Times CGC (AKC SR82979407)
Hollenbaugh's Indiana CGC (AKC SR77649706)
GCH CH Goodtime's Star Attraction OS (AKC SR61179002)
GCH Goodtime's Star Chaser (AKC SR61179003)
Goodtime's Shining Star (AKC SR61179001)
BISS CH Goodtime's Non-Stop To Rio SDHF OS (AKC SR23904803)
Goodtime's Carrie On (AKC SR23904806)
CH Goodtime's Delta's Ready When You Are (AKC SR23904805)
Goodtime's Two Tickets to Paradise
Goodtime's Perrier on the Rox
Br JCH CH GRCH Goodtime's Sunny Delight (AKC SN92852206)
Goodtime's Constant Comment CD, OAJ, AX, CGC,W-FD, R-FE/Alt-N, Vet MF/E (AKC SN92852204)
Am/Can Ch. Goodtime Argo Adrenalin Rush OA OAJ NAP SDHF OS CGC TDI (AKC SN92852202 (3-04))
Am CH Goodtime's Sprite's Delight (AKC SN92852203)
Am Ch Goodtime's Gatorade (AKC SN92852205)
BIS BISS Am CH Legacy's Standing Ovation SDHF Am and Can OS (AKC SN49155301 (3-00))
Am Ch Goodtime's Maine Squeeze OD (AKC SN69490601 (11-01))
Goodtime's California Dreamin'
Goodtime's Maine Attraction
Goodtime Raisin' Arizona (AKC SN69490603)
Goodtime's In A New York Minute
CH. Goodtime's Cassiopeia OD (AKC SN92870306)
BIS BrJrCH. BrCH. Goodtime's Dark Side of the Moon (AKC SN92870305)
Goodtime's Orion
Int. CH. Goodtime's When U Wish Upon A Star VCD1 (CD TD NAP NJP) RE CGC (AKC SN928703/01)
BISS Am. Ch. Faera's Starlight OS (AKC SN709623/01)
CH Gangway Faeras Beam of Light (AKC SN70962304)
Faera's Let There Be Light (AKC SN70962302)
Faera's Light The Horizon (AKC SN70962303)
Gangway Faeras Lightning Bug (AKC SN70962305)
Am. CH. Goodtime Laurell Elizabeth Tale'r OD (AKC SN28571201)
Goodtime's Cause of it All CD CGC (AKC SN212579/02)
Goodtime-Laurell Tale O' Two Cities (AKC SN28571203)
Nat'l & Int'l Puppy Ch. Mica Peak's Fergielicious CCA (AKC SR49718304)
AmCH Swansun's Northwest Simcoe CCA (AKC SR203543/02)
SwanSun's Creme Brulee (AKC SR20354303)
SwanSun's Maximum Overdrive (AKC SR20354308)
Int'l CH Johnsons Goldenquest Chanel CCA (AKC SR26706108)
Cody's Golden Scotch (AKC SR20354305)
Layman's Missy
Grady's Sundance
Mary's Precious Girl
Congleton's Abby (AKC SR2035431)
Riley Montana III
Pudden-Jaayd's Woof Willow
Bailey's Golden Shadow
BIS Am/Can CH Goldenquest's Jaayd Can SDHF (CKC JU 619065)
Can CH Goldenquest's Sean Connery (CKC JU619064)
Can. Ch. Goldenquest's Enchanting Emma (CKC ME786390)
Goldenquest Pacificgold Fiesta (CKC ME786391)
Goldenquest's Camalire Charisma
SwanSun's Butterscotch Pudding (AKC SN730661/05)
Daagen Pazs Mystique (AKC SN778183/13)
SwanSun's Autumn Colors CD RN CGC (AKC SR11072502)
Int'l Ch, U-CD SwanSun's Anticipation CD, RE, CGC, CCA (AKC SN778183/12)
SwanSun's True Poet (AKC SR270926/0)
SwanSun's Dock of the Bay (AKC SN778183/11)
SwanSun's Timber Terror CD, CGC (AKC SN77818302)
SwanSun's Major League Player (AKC SR110725/01)
Swansun's Northwest Territory CGC (AKC SR27092608)
Serenity's Angelic Eve (AKC SR32588004)
Can CH Woodcreek'Shundredacrefriend WCX (AKC SR14483404 (1-06))
She's Soarin' Over High Waters (AKC SR34932005)
Marshall Hill's Easy Ryder
Woodcreek's Magical One (AKC SN860254/01)
Penny-Annie Of Marshall Hills (AKC SR34932006)
Sweet Tess Of Hidden Valley (AKC SN53373003)

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