
Golden Retriever

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Idafab 1Drdog Lunas U22 Team

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Idafab 1Drdog Lunas U22 Team
Idafab 1Drdog Gryffins 22Yards
HRCH UH Idafab 1Drdog Quinns 22Calibre MH WCX CCA
Idafab 1Drdog Chesters 22 Ammo
Idafab 1Drdog Fiddles 22Dreams
Idafab 1Drdogs Catch22 is Lily
Idafab 1Drdog Sunnys TwentyTwo
Idafab 1Drdog 22 Wren Salute
Idafab 1Drdog KC's 22KaratGold
Idafab 1Drdog Baileys 22 Karat
CanCH Goldcker Stix On Thaw Ice JH WC AGN AGNJ NP JT RN CGN
CanCH Goldcker Auburnmist Unthawed RN CGN ODHF (9 years)
Goldcker Take Thaw Shot
Goldcker If Thaw Shoe Fits
Goldcker Shoot 4 Thaw Moon
Goldcker Thawllywood Blvd
Can CH Goldcker On Second Thawt
Goldcker Up In Thaw Air
Goldcker Thawt Ithawa Puttytat
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS (13 years)
Seeshaw's E B Dream
Seeshaw's Golden Pilikia
Seeshaw-Firestar Snobal N'Hel
Seeshaw-Firestar Hel's Apopn
Seeshaw Breckenridge Pogie
Seeshaw Java
Seeshaw Chaco Canyon CD AX OAP AXJ OJP
Am. CH. Seeshaw's Rebelle W-O A Paws (11 years)
Am. CH. Seeshaw-Firestar Hell-O-Apollo OA OAJ (13 years)
BISS Am. CH. Okeechobee Rivendell Goblin CD SH WCX VC CGC TDI TT (13.5 years)
Okeechobee's Picture Perfect (11.5 years)
Okeechobee Hy-Tyme Tucker
Okeechobee Scarlet Knight
Okeechobee Cliff Dweller
Okeechobee Island Man Dillon
Hy-Tyme's Oakridge Jack
Okeechobee's Hy-Tyme Jillian
Can CH Okeechobee Gambit's Cody (11.5 years)
Am. CH Skilfor Luvs A Seeshaw Berry OD (14.5 years)
Skilfor She's A Keeper
CanCH Goldcker's Don't Mind If I Q JH WC AGX AGXJ NP RE Am WC NAP NJP OFP RN (11 years)
Goldcker's R Q Crazy (13 years)
Goldcker's What Took Q So Long CGN (12 years)
Goldcker's Q R Fulla Beans (14 years)
Goldcker's R Q Red E (14 years)
Goldcker's Wood R Q Lookin At (10 years)
Goldcker's Leave Q In The Dust
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS (15.5 years)
Dewmist Diamantina
Dewmist Dawnwatch
Dewmist Dakotah
Dewmist Daylander
Dewmist Dappledown
Dewmist Daleview
Dewmist Derringer
Can CH Goldcker's What's In The News AGXS AGXJS RE CGN VCI Am NAP NAJP NFP TN-E (15 years)
Goldcker's Follows The News (10 years)
Goldcker's Foreign Correspondent (7.5 years)
Goldcker's North Street News (11 years)
Goldcker's Town Cryer (13.5 years)
Goldcker's Hot Off The Press CGN Am CGC (8 years)
Goldcker's Nine In Ninety Nine (10.5 years)
Goldcker Headlines Daily (3.5 years)
CanCH Goldcker Front Page Story (3 years)
Idafab 1Drdog Mitu's Nite Star
Idafab 1Drdog Sky Lite Charlie
Idafab 1Drdog Sadie Shines Too
Idafab 1Drdog Watson 2014 Golf
Idafab 1Drdog 2 Nite Is Sky Blue
Idafab 1Drdog Rocket N Tyrone
Idafab 1Drdog Thaddeus Maximus
Idafab 1Drdog Duster's Glow
Idafab 1Drdog Sophie's Aurora
Idafab 1Drdog Winston's Lite
HRCH Can CH Goldcker 1Drdogs Next Pushover SH NA NAJ NF WCX OS Can MH WCX TD UTD AGX AGXJ IP JT RN VCX (14 years)
Goldcker's Next 2 The Tracks
Goldcker's Next Chapter
Goldcker's Next1 Gets The Duck
AGMCHV2 SHDCH Goldcker Nextylucyrightytighty CD RE XPV JTV CGN RL1 Am RN OAP OJP NFP CGC
Goldcker's Next Stone Unturned (6 years)
Goldcker's Next Twist
Goldcker's Whatts On Next (11 years)
Goldcker's Next Time Around
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS (13 years)
Firemark's Big Sky Casseopia
Holcroft's Clyde (3 years)
Firemark Genes By Calvin
Sadie May Firemark
Firemark's Foxy Lady Of WDCRK
Firemark's Shadow of No Doubt SH WCX (12.5 years)
CanCH AGMCHV Goldcker's What's Next RE CD CGN Am OJP NAP NFP RN TNE WVN (14 years)
Goldcker C I'm No Angel
Goldckers C Of Trouble (13.5 years)
Goldcker C The Score (14 years)
Goldcker CIA Agent
Can CH Goldckers C I've Got The Touch (10 years)
Goldckers C Me Go (9 years)
Goldckers City By A Sapphire C (13 years)
SHR SR CH Goldcker's 1DrWhattson The Line JH WC NAP NJP NFP Cn SH WCX CDX AGXS AGXJS RE CGN (14 years)
CanCH Goldcker's What's In The Water CGN (11 years)
Can CH Goldcker's What's The Buzz AGNJ CGN Am TN-N (13 years)
CanCH, U-CH Goldcker's What's In The Beans AGNJ SMADC SAADC SAGDC (10 years)
Goldcker's What A Blast (12 years)
Goldckers What's Standing Tall (13 years)
Goldcker's What's Cookin'
Goldcker's What's Your Hurry (12 years)
Goldcker's What's So Hot (11.5 years)
1DrDogs Rocket N the Covey 2Nite JH CGN WCI AGXS AGXJS IPS RA
White Tail Rocket
Rocket's Red Branch Fian CGC, SH, WC (11.5 years)
SHR Rocket's Slice of Life JH, WC
Rocket's Wake Up Maggie
Semaphore's Pocket Rocket JH; WC (9 years)
Goldenloch's Run'N Crockett MH WCX *** OS (16 years)
Goldenloch Abagail Lady Of The Lake
Goldenloch President's Lady
Goldenloch Henry of Harris
Absolut (SR06429305)
Goldenloch Pride of Lincoln
Goldenloch Sir Bailey Bagger MH WCX CCA
Goldenloch Roxie
Goldenloch Free As The Wind JH
UH HR Murphey's Praying For Gold CGC, SH, WCX (9.5 years)
Topbrass National Debt
HRCH Beanies Mister Copopalous
Amigold Frequent Flier SH WCX ** (7 years)
Calm River Jake
Insfre's Bonnie
Mountaintops Misty Mountain Hop

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