
Golden Retriever

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Bridlewood's At First Light NA NAJ

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Bridlewood's At First Light NA NAJ (AKC SS06543301)
Am GCH Tamarack Joy Ride (AKC SR96342701)
Tamarack South Of The Border Butter JH CD RN NJP (AKC SR92466403)
Tamarack's Butter Be Prepared OA AXJ OF TKN CGC (AKC SR92466404)
CH Tamarack She Buttered Me Up UD, GO, RN, MX, MXJ (AKC SR92466401)
Tamarack Marlin Joie De Vivre (AKC SR96342702)
AM GCH CH Tamarack Juscoz Butter Makes My Day RAE CGC RE BN DS CDX TKI GN BCAT CCA (AKC SR92466402)
CH Regency Faire's Better Believe OS (AKC SR64458505)
GCH Regency Let My Bet Ryd (AKC SR64458508)
BOSS GCHS Regency Raise The Bet OD SDHF (AKC SR64458501)
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS (AKC SN87709103)
Hytree's May Bee A Classic (AKC SN911139/07)
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo (AKC SN877091/01)
Hytree's Quick As A Wink (AKC SN87709105)
Hytree's Just Maybe (AKC SN91113905)
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone (AKC SN91113903)
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal (AKC SN87709104)
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX (AKC SN91113901)
CH Regency Roll Of The Dice THDA CGC OD (AKC SR23368301)
CH Regency Faire California Roll (AKC SR23368305)
Regency's Shake Rattle & Roll (AKC SR23368304)
Regency Let It Roll CDX (AKC SR23368302)
BISS Am GCH Tamarack Call Me Buttercup RE OD BISS (AKC SR729209/01)
Tamarack N April's Who Knew (AKC SR72920902)
BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch. Venture's Boys N Toys SDHF, OS, BISS (AKC SR42759001)
CH Venture Karagold's Play'N W'Big Boys (AKC SR42759002)
Venture's Boys Race to the Top CD, RE, NA, OAJ
Venture Redog Boys will Be Boys (AKC SR42759003)
Am CH Scion Fringe Benefit CD RE OA OAJ OD (AKC SR31302204)
Scion Star Fit to Shine CGC (AKC SR31302203)
Scion Fit To Challange CD (AKC SR31302205)
Scion Full Of It (AKC SR31302206)
Scion Good Golly Miss Molly (AKC SR31302209)
Scion Just For The Fun O'Fit (AKC SR31302210)
Scion Perfect Fit (AKC SR313022/01)
Scion Fit To-Be Tied BISS (AKC SR313022/02)
BISS GCH Glencooley Fourte BISS (AKC SR87113903)
Int.CH Glencooley Fourtunate One CGC, TKN (SR87113901)
Glencooley ISA Bella Fourtuna CGC (AKC SR871139/02)
CH Fable's Tale Of The Whale (AKC SR50915210)
Fable's Little Surfer Girl (AKC SR50915202)
Fable's Golden Zephyr (AKC SR32297810)
Fable's Sea of Green (AKC SR40537901)
Monogram's Forbidden Fruit (AKC SR190069/02)
BIS BISS Am. CH Monogram's Bada Bing SDHF OS (AKC SR190069/01)
CH. Monogram's All Due Respect (AKC SR190069/03)
BISS GCHS Ch. 24kt Sunshine Belle (AKC SR67320003)
CH. 24kt Pushing Up Daisies (AKC SR67320001)
24KT Coupe de Ville CGC (AKC SR67320002)
24kt Stonecrest Ripley's Beleive It Or Not (AKC SR67320008 (12-14))
24KT Stonecrest's Wild One (AKC SR67320007)
GCH CH Stonecrest's Super Cruiser RN JH OS (AKC SR29899508)
Can CH Stonecrest-Qlb Just Jaxsonvill CD (AKC SR29899507)
Apple Smith (AKC SR29899502)
Stonecrest's Golden Spinner (AKC SR29899503)
Stonecrest Hasso Von Steinbach (AKC SR29899505)
Stonecrest's Call Me Arthur (AKC SR29899506)
24kt Magic Sorcerer's Apprentice (AKC SR52334712)
Am CH Dalane-24k Magic & Mystery OD (AKC SR52334710)
CH. 24kt Woodrivers Bibbity Bobbity Boo (AKC SR52334711)
AmCH 24kt Magical Masterpiece (AKC SR52334709)
24kt A Wisp Of Golden Magic (AKC SR52334713)

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