
Golden Retriever

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The Amazing Miss Nina

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

The Amazing Miss Nina
Rosette's Canine Creation Cali
Rosette's Canine Creation Cassi
Princess Abigail The Kings Ransom
Leo Golden-Land
Sunlight's Bello Fellow
Sunlight's Razzle Dazzle
Winter Bell White
Rocky Riley Of Eads-Robbins
Diego XIV
Benderson's Cooper
Princess Odette Of Swan Lake
Elaina Princess Of Huckleberry
Laurel Ridge's Kissey Bear (OFA GR-92304G31F-NOPI)
Hobbo De Zolotisty (OFA GR-96602G70M-VPI)
Tropico's Princess Dye (OFA GR-77785G28F-PI)
Five Oaks Rose Of Green Hill
Purcell's Misty Dawn (OFA GR-76801G24F-PI)
Ricky X
Kayla Kera Of Robbins-Eads
Tropikos Hungarian Firecracker
Mattie Lake Mogan
My Little Ipswich
Snowflake XI
The Great White Howitzer Tank
Galans Kreacio
BIH SH CH galans kanga (A1)
HSHCH Galans Kala Brandy (A1)
Galans Kurazsi Club winner, Excellent 3 at Euro Dog Show 2007
Galans Kalamajka (OFA GR-96046F65F-VPI)
Ch. Galans Karneval Jugendbester, Excellent 4 at Euro Dog Show 2007 (B1)
Galans Krampampuli
Goldwall Ey Of The Mecsek Elisabet (OFA GR-80191F24F-PI)
Goldwalley Of The Mecsek Elisa
Goldwalley of the Mecsek Dexter (OFA GR-77512G25M-PI)
Goldwalley of the Mecsek Admiral
MKSZ HJCH-3xMKSZ HPJ-2xMKSZ HFGY-MKSZ HDGY Goldwalley of the Mecsek Apollo
Gallaint Sam
Willow Brooke IV (OFA GR-115044G24F-NOPI)
Thistledown Farm's Missing Princess Anastasia
Hilltop Pups Fritz
Boggs Captivating Bentli's Cooper (OFA GR-112812G24M-NOPI)
Gr Special Tank
Tyrion Of Jms Goldens
Jun.Ch.Rus,NKP,Ch.Rus,NKP,RKF Europe And Asia Bentli Brait
JunChRus, ChRus, JunChNkp, 2ChNkp DERBY FOR URAL EVIDOG (HD A (2008))
Diego Evidog
JRUS CH/RUSCH/NAT.CLUB CH Dolce For Ural Evidog (HD-A (0))
IntCh, ChRus, Fin, Est, NRC, JChRus & NRC D.J. for Piter Evidog (HD A(200?))
Destiny's Hope Evidog (OFA GR-97230G24F-PI)
Dutch Evidog (OFA GR-97331E24M-VPI)
ChRus, ChMol Tramin Golden Arrow
Pecan Knoxvilleberry
Glory Glory Hallelujah Luvs Freedom
Samantha Knoxvilleberry
Sterk Hart Tebow II (OFA GR-107305G31M-VPI)
Knoxville Berry Creme Soda
Abraham Knoxvilleberry
Silvermine Heartbreak Kid
Catie Michelle Moore
Silvermine's Maximus Blue Boy Of Rivershire
Cassia Senna
Cartier Cover Girl (OFA GR-101640G28F-VPI)
Cartier English Rose (OFA GR-101714G29F-VPI)
Countrylane One Fancy Bugger

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