
Golden Retriever

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Winston and Elle

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Winston and Elle
Colorado Cream Goldens' Bella (AKC SS17389301)
UCI Nat & Int CH Alexander Of Berkeley (AKC SR84372201 (12-17))
Lake Country Tequila Sunrise (AKC SR87329604)
Golden Acres Moonlight Maisey (AKC SR95539502)
Whispered Promise of the Empyrean Forest (AKC SR87329605)
Julia Of Berkeley (AKC SR84372202 (10-16))
Lord Henry ''Bear'' (AKC SR87329601)
UCI Nat & Int JR CH, UCI Int CH Ashbury-Gentle'Man (AKC SR74164101 (4-14))
Ashbury Grace Kelly
Int.Ch. Marybel Star Stream TAN, Selectif A and B
Marybel Star Storm (LO1020319) (Other LO1020319)
Marybel Starry Night (FCI LO1020321)
Marybel Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (FCI LO1020322)
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 064360)
Ashbury Amarena Cream
UCI Nat & Int CH Lake Country Maggy (AKC SR75716607 (12-14))
Lake Country Annabelle Of Snowdust Forest (AKC SR75716603)
UCI Nat. & Int. CH Zampanzar Silver Rain (AKC SR71911002 (3-13))
JCh.& DTS.CH. Zampanzar Blue Note (FCI LOE 1991705)
Int.Ch. IABCA Zampanzar Just White CCA (FCI LOE1991706)
Zampanzar Once Again
JRCH Russia, JR CH NKP, CH Russia Rus Pekos Chudesnaya Fantaziya (AKC SR73510502 (11-12))
Rus Pecos Chudnyi Paren (AKC SR73510504 (7-14))
The CH of Russia, CH of RKF, UCI Int CH Rus Pekos Cherri (AKC SR73510501 (11-12))
Jun.Ch.Rus,Ch.rus,NKP, Rus Pekos Chereshnya
jun.ChRus,NKP,ChRus Rus Pekos Cheremuha (Other RKF 2777965)
Hillsong Goldens Deep South Elle (AKC SS02586604 (8-19))
Santana Butterfly Z Karczewich Szuwarow (AKC SR59629103 (4-12))
Sinatra Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow (AKC SR59629101 (11-10))
SALSA BUTTERFLY z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Int'l CH Slade Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow (AKC SR59629102 (5-11))
PL Ch., PL Junior Ch. Summeramba Countdown PL Winner'09, '10
Summeramba Deal Or No Deal
Summeramba Take Your Pick
Summeramba Pop Idol
JCh. PL Nicole Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Navigator Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Need - Ful Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Nirvana Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Nobility Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Nug - Get Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Nous Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow (AKC SR40610002 (1-08))
Nova Jasna Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow (AKC SR40610001 (5-08))
UCI Nat & Int CH Magic Moment Of Clear Passion (FCI CORA349412111)
IABCA Int'l CH Mission Accomplished of Clear Passion (AKC SR74425001)
IABCA Int'l CH Man On A Mission Of Clear Passion (AKC SR74425003 (8-13))
Memory of Messy of Clear Passion
Moonlight Shadow of Clear Passion (AKC SR74425002)
Romanian & Serbian Ch. Another Masterpiece of Clear Passion
UCI Int'l CH A Step Ahead of Clear Passion (AKC SR49209003 (3-10))
SRB Ch A Pure Hearth of Clear Passion
Another Blessing of Clear Passion
RoCH All Of My Hopes Of Clear Passion
American Beauty Of Clear Passion (AKC SR49209001)
JrRomCh A Star is Born of Clear Passion
Intl' JCh Anything Is Possible Of Clear Passion (AKC SR49209004)
ROM CH,SERB CH. Evidence of Love of Clear Passion
Extra Sweet of Clear Passion

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