
Golden Retriever

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Milo Franklin

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Milo Franklin
U-CH/Int CH Golden Rose Mists of Avalon CGC TDI (AKC SR60951004)
U-CH Int CH Golden Rose Buffalo Wide Retriever (AKC SR60951003)
Carrie's Abbey Joy of Golden Rose CGC (AKC SR60951007)
CH Westin Having A Party UD SH OA OAJ WCX VCX BOSS OS (AKC SR10331708 (1-06))
Am Ch. Westin Goin' For Broke (AKC SN85035601)
Westin Crstal Blu Persuasion (AKC SR10331702)
CH Westin CR Days Of Thunder (AKC SN50255602)
CR Nascar Natural Race-Star (AKC SN50255604)
CR-Charlottes Golden Fireball (AKC SN50255605)
Cr's Grand Nat'l Trackmaster (AKC SN50255606)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT (AKC SM79134703 (9/93))
Signature's One Der Full (AKC SF973334)
Sunshine Hill's Hubba-Hubba (AKC SN16342503)
Signature Shining Star (AKC SN163425/01)
Am CH Tiptop's Cr Lemon Drop (AKC SN223227/07)
Tiptop Mallard Starburst (AKC SN223227/05)
Tiptop's Red Hot Chimayo (AKC SN223227/04)
Tiptops Irish Cream (AKC SN22322706)
Tiptop's Ain't Snickers Sweet (AKC SN22322708)
CH Mairei Sweet Sensation (AKC SN52991803)
Mairei Pristine's Sweetart (AKC SN52991804)
Am CH Laurell's Goin' Great Guns OS SDHF (AKC SG055818)
Laurell's Family Ties (AKC SM905209/01)
Laurell's Current Affair (AKC SM905209/05)
Laurell's All In The Family (AKC SM905209/06)
Laurell's Go Dugan (AKC SF-982515)
Laurell's Go For The Gold (AKC SF-961835)
Am. CH Laurell's Gunsmoke At Nealcrest (AKC SM905209/07)
Am. CH Laurell Kylie Girl Go CD (AKC SM786097/01)
Laurell's Go The Distance (AKC SF-960855)
Am. CH Laurell's Love Connection (AKC SM905209/02)
Can./Am. CH Laurell's Goin' My Way (AKC SG-055819)
Laurell's Designing Women (AKC SM905209/04)
Am. CH Laurell's Going Hollywood OD (AKC SF947462 (6-93))
Am CH Amberac Taykin It To Th' Limit (AKC SN30267304)
Amberac At Free-Zing Point (AKC SN249646/04)
Am. CH. Amberac's Free-Zer Plee-Zer (AKC SN24964607)
Ch. Amberac Yer Not Ms. Taykin OD (AKC SN30267302)
Amberac's Free Load N Phoebe (AKC SN24964601)
Amberac Ft Loose N Fancy Free (AKC SN24964602)
Amberac The Sugar Free Bee (AKC SN24964603)
Amberac Hesa Free Espirit (AKC SN24964605)
Amberac's Snickers (AKC SN24964606)
Amberac I'm Taykin Th' Fifth (AKC SN30267301)
Amberac's Givin' N' Taykin (AKC SN30267303)
Amberac's Taykin Furgranit (AKC SN30267305)
Amberac Taykin It Easy (AKC SN30267306)
U-CH, Int CH Cleopatra of Golden Rose RE THD CGC URO1 (AKC SR45210702)
Int'l CH Sam Oh Riley of Golden Rose (AKC SR45210701)
Scess Twilight's All Riled Up (AKC SR32166010)
Scess Smithfield Gunnabeworthit (AKC SR32166002 (10/07))
Scess To A Tee (AKC SR53510107)
Honors Scess Say What U Will (AKC SR20624009 (5/06))
Honor's Say Cheese (AKC SR20624007)
U-CH/ Intl CH Honor's Promise Jussay D'Word (AKC SR20624006)
Majavin N' Scess Make A Wish (AKC SR22503701 (5/06))
Majavin's Just Jessi (AKC SN622176/04)
Minga's Caymans Golden Rose (AKC SR12760804)
Gunsmokes Caymans Point Red (AKC SN72664601 (5-02))
Gunsmokes Miss Daisy (AKC SN72664602)
Gunsmokes Miss Carla (AKC SN72664607)
CW's Phantom of Blaine (AKC SN72664603)
Cayman's Offshore Dealer ** (AKC SN726646/08)
Capriola's Minga CGC (AKC SN473826/09)

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