
Golden Retriever

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Shery Super Grace

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shery Super Grace
ChRUS, CACIB Tsvetan Virdzh (FCI RKF 0000167)
ChRus,Bel,Ua Tsubura Mimoza (Other RKF 0000172)
IntCh,ChRus,Ua Tsuvasa Veronika (Other RKF 0000170)
Cerera Fialca
ChBul, ChMol, ChRus Tsukat Kristall
Rus.Ch Baltgardens Lyndon B Johnson (Other Swed # S24612/96)
Baltgardens Lyndon B Jonson
SVCH LPI Sandusky Medallian Man (Other SwedKC # S56980/93)
Sandusky Melodymaker For Chessgold
Sandusky Marilyn
Birdcherry's Raindrop (Other S62084/87)
Birdcherry's Reward (Other SwedKC # S62083/87)
CH RUS Graigiehill Perdita
Eng. SH. CH. Fenwood Jagger Of Canina JW
Otterdawn Stunning Star
Fenwood Jade
Gwedhen Fast'n Furious (KCRS S1180408 S01)
Lovely Girl Of Far And Away
A Pretty Girl of Far And Away (FR PV 00089587)
A Lovely Girl of Far And Away
Okay of Far And Away
LUX CH Sansue Lord Of The Manor (Other KC Reg. S3134401S03)
Sansue McIver JW (Other KCSB 4120CH)
NUCH Sansue Lollipop for Vi-Vi's
Sansue Loyalist (FCI SF00576/89)
Sansue Lady In Carmine (Other KC Reg. S3134406S03)
Sansue Lady In Red At Perodale (Other KCSB 1394CG)
Sansue Lady In Scarlet (Other KC Reg. S3134407S03)
Sansue Marsha (Other KC Reg. U3661201U03)
Sansue Maryrose At Westrock (Other KC Reg. U3661203U03)
Sansue Lola Of Romside (Other KC Reg. N4699805N03)
Sansue Louisa Of Cardrona (Other KC Reg. N4699808N03)
Can. CH Sansue Lochinvar
Sansue Lady in Ruby
Sansue Lolita (Other KCSB 1363CA)
Moonlight des Berberis
Oph?lie des Berberis
Sunshiny Day of Far And Away
Somebody Someday of Far and Away (Other LOF 040491)
Sarah Of Far And Away (AKC SR22829001 (12-06))
Ch. Miray's Dream Mc.Mnenonic (FCI NHSB 2228427)
Miray's Dream Miss Tender (FCI 2228434)
Varina of Far And Away (FCI LOF 037686/05626)

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