
Golden Retriever

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D Verobell

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

D Verobell
Daquillero Verobell
Dellmonico Verobell
Dominico Verobell
Dominio Verobell
Dallinea Verobell
Danetta Verobell
C.I.B., GCh CZ, Ch CMKU, GCh SLO, Ch CZ, Ch SLO, Ch PL, Ch A, Ch HR, Crufts Qualification 2018 Armons Golden Hevanar ''U'' (FCI 0/0, OCD negat.)
Aramir Golden Hevanar
Aladriel Golden Hevanar (0/0)
Ariana Golden Hevanar
JCh CZ, Ch CZ, Ch SK Gryffindor Junior the Best Baron ''U'' (0/0)
Gina to Timeless The Best Baron (0/0)
Gentle Kiss the Best Baron (0/0)
Grandessa the Best Baron (0/0)
Gloria The Best Baron (0/0)
Garp the Best Baron
Gilmore The Best Baron (0/0)
Gregory The Best Baron (0/0)
Graf The Best Baron (0/0)
Geoffrey The Best Baron
DE/VDH/LUX CH Xanthos Gryffindor Bundessieger 2003 (0:0)
Xanthos Gandalf
Eng. SH. CH. Xanthos Galadriel At Standelbec (0:0)
Can. Ch. Xanthos Glastonbury (OFA GR-EL10033M28-PI)
J.Ch. Slo/Sh Ch Slo Timeless Golden Amy my Love Winner Prag 2009 (0/0)
Timeless Golden A Skydancer (0/0)
Timeless Golden A.J. Fallen Off The Sky (0/0)
Timeless Golden Arrow in the Sky (0/0)
Timeless Golden Amity Alanis (0/0)
Timeless Golden Anny Mae (0/0)
Timeless Golden A Skywalker (0/0)
Timeless Golden Amazing Nela (0/0)
Timeless Golden Ally Sue (0/1)
CH SLO Andromeda Flores Vitae U (0/0)
IntCh. Ariadne Flores Vitae (OFA GR-EL27633F41-VPI)
Artemis Flores Vitae (0/0)
MCh, Ch CZ, SK, PL, A Ares Flores Vitae ''U'' (Club & Nat'l winner, Winner of Spec.show) (0/0)
Adonis Flores Vitae (0/0)
Asterios Flores Vitae With Palton
CH Athena Flores Vitae (0/0)
JCh CZ, Ch Sk, CZ FTCh Atreus Flores Vitae U (0/0)
ICH, CH CZ, JCH CZ, ClubCH CZ Apollon Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner (0/0)
CH CZ, AT, JCH CZ Afrodite Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner (0/0)
Belg Sh Ch, VDH Ch, Su(u)Ch, Lux JCh. Dewmist Servantes Belgian Topwinning golden 2008 (ED 0)
C.I.E SEU(U)CH DKUCH DKW-09 Dewmist Serendipity (Clear)
Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion (0/0 - (2007)- Swedish)
Dewmist Serrido SE VCH (2)
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serrania (1)
HSCH Dewmist Serendica Derby winner (0 (2006))
NORDUCH, FinW-09 Dewmist Serrano (0/0)
ICH, CH, JCH Pinkerly Rain Or Shine Club Junior winner (0:0 BVA)
Pinkerly Rainbow's End (0:0 BVA)
Ch.Pl. J.Ch.Cz. HI I'M VIOLETT Bloomingen Gold (ED 0/0)
HATTORI HANZO Bloomingen Gold (ED 0/0)
HEMINGWAY Bloomingen Gold (ED 0/0)
CH.PL HENNESSY Bloomingen Gold (ED 0/0)
HAPPY BG Bloomingen Gold
Poland Veteran Winner'24, Vet.Ch.PL. Ch.PL. J.Ch.PL. BIS Puppy Club'16 LOLLY POP Bloomingen Gold (ED 0/0)
MultiCH Benny z Makovych dvoru (0/0)
Aisha z Makovych dvoru (0/0)
Angie z Makovych dvoru
Annie z Makovych dvoru (0/0)
Arinka z Makovych dvoru
Ashley z Makovych dvoru
Arwen z Makovych dvoru (0/0)
Bailey z Makovych dvoru (0/0)
Berry z Makovych dvoru
Brennie z Makovych dvoru (0/0)
Bart z Makovych dvoru
Britt z Makovych dvoru
Benjamin z Makovych dvoru
Barney z Makovych dvoru
Dual CH CZ Bastien z Makov?ch dvorů U
JCH CZ & SK, CH CZ & SK Oran z Javorickych kopcu National winner
Orka z Javorickych kopcu
Oxana Z Javorickych kopcu
Orion Z Javorickych kopcu
Oliver Z Javorickych kopcu
Olin Z Javorickych kopcu
Oskar Z Javorickych kopcu
Ommy Z Javorickych kopcu
Oli Z Javorickych kopcu
Orchidea Z Javorickych kopcu
Pretty Chlupate stesti
Emerald Benjamin Chlupate stesti (ED 0 DLK 0/0)
Primus Chlupate stesti
Adelka Chlupate stesti
Ponny Chlupate stesti
Amy Chlupate stesti
Eros Chlupate stesti
Endy Chlupate stesti
Elen Chlupate stesti
Erny Chlupate stesti
CH. CZ. & SK. & Pl. & BiH. Eimi Chlupate stesti (ED 0 DLK 0/0)
Gina Aurea Solatio z Kostrowego Grodu (ED 0/0)
Champion PL Carlo Daisy Club (0/0)
Candy Daisy Club
Clara Daisy Club
Christina Daisy Club
Camelia Daisy Club (OFA GR-EL21094F25-NOPI)
CARLA Daisy Club (FCI E 0/0)
CH.PL Elmira z Kostrowego Grodu

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