
Golden Retriever

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Imo x DeeDee

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Imo x DeeDee
Grapevine's Fruit of the Empire
U-CH Grapevine's Born on the Fourth of July SCN CCA (OFA GR-134569E25M-VPI)
Grapevine's Light Off the Shore BN CGC
Int. CH Grapevine's I'm No Vintage CCA (OFA GR-135249G27F-VPI)
Grapevine's Adonis-A Myth No More CD RE
Grapevine's Odyssey Of The Seas DS CGC (OFA GR-134193E25M-VPI)
MBISS GCH Toasty's Massimo (OFA GR-120262G24M-VPI)
Toasty's Roman Holiday
GCH Ch Toasty's Maestro (OFA GR-121338F28M-VPI)
Toasty's Anisette CGC THDN BCAT (OFA GR-120562G24F-VPI)
CH Toasty's Above The Clouds (OFA GR-121564G28M-VPI)
BIS Am GCH CH Happy Hour Highmark Toasty OS SDHF (OFA GR-85420G25M-PI)
Happy Hour Highmark Now U See Me
AmCH MY Sky Watcher SDHF OS (OFA GR-77226G24M-Pl)
Ch. My Chebaco Knight of Flight (OFA GR-87181G28M-PI)
AmCH Highmark Torn Between Two Loves OD (OFA GR-57780F34F-T)
Highmark Montana Magic
CH Toasty's Missy Franklin (OFA GR-112083G29F-VPI)
Toasty Jazzin In The Sand For Olympic Gold RN JH DJ WC CGC CCA OD (OFA GR-11652G27F-VPI)
Toasty's Maybelline
Ch Toasty's Treasure Cove (OFA GR-108368G24M-VPI)
GCH CH Toasty's Rag Doll SDHF (OFA GR-96577G24F-VPI)
Toasty's China Doll
Toasty's Guys 'N Dolls (OFA GR-98327F31M-NOPI)
Toasty's Earthquake
Toasty's Party Doll CCA (OFA GR-96973G25F-VPI)
CH Toasty's Baby Doll (OFA GR-96562G24F-VPI)
Sterre Mighty Aphrodite SH BCAT WCX CCA/ Can. JH WCI (OFA GR-121218G24F-VPI)
Sterre Mycenean Warrior
Can CH Kyon's Rainbow High RN (OFA GR-112482G25M-VPI)
Kyon's Don't Cry (OFA GR-112522G25F-VPI)
Can CH Kyon's Rolling Stone Can OS (OFA GR-94379E26M-PI)
Kyon's Surprisingly Good for You (OVC 0041433 normal)
Sterre Widgeon on The Wing WC (OFA GR-110637G24F-VPI)
Sterre Mad for Greenheads
Sterre Bufflehead Ben
Sterre Luvin' the Limit
Sterre Waitin' for Wood Ducks
Sterre Disney Duck
CanCH Sterre Blast'em Widgeon Widget CGN CD WC
SR HRCH UH CH Windrows Ducks In A Row CDX SH Can/Am WCX VCI GRCC Versatility Hall of Fame (OFA GR-94344E24M-PI)
Windrows Lookn' for Mr. Right CAN WCX SH (OFA GR-94414G24F-PI)
Windrows Sharp Dressed Man
Windrows Final Approach Can WCX Can SH Can CDX (OFA GR-95974E38F-VPI)
Windrows Str8n Up N Fly Right WC JH CD (OFA GR-94407G24M-PI)
Can. Ch. Windrow's True Animation RA, AGNS, AGNJS (OFA GR-94263F24F-PI)
Sterre Hot Desert Wind (OVC 42990)
Can GCh Sterre Badlands Outlaw CDX JH WCI/Am. JH CCA (OFA GR-120414E106M-VPI)
Sterre Desert Star
Sterre Mojave's Joshua
Sterre Sahara Desert
Sterre Desert Son (OFA GR-105626G42M-VPI)
Sterre Prince of the Desert
Sterre Desert Flower

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