
Golden Retriever

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J&B's Spectacular Sydney

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

J&B's Spectacular Sydney (AKC SR93509901 (6-17))
Prince Noah of Aloha CGC, TKI
Tails Of Gold Packer Chief NF (AKC SR56669002 (9-10))
Great Lakes' Grand Oakley (AKC SR56669008 (3-11))
Murphy's English Cream (AKC SR72293908)
Tails Of Gold Thunder Chief (AKC SR56669001)
Prince Harry Of Golden Sands (AKC SR46014201 (9-09))
Snowy Pines Goldens Princess Kennedy (AKC SR46014202)
Camrose Chevanne Appollo (AKC SR07592202 (1/05))
Boomerofthemorningvalley (AKC SR07592211)
White Dove Cassie (AKC SN89245201)
White Dove VIII (AKC SR03184806)
White Dove Bliss (AKC SN89245204)
White Dove Lily Of Lee's Summit (AKC SR07592207)
White Dove Lulamae (AKC SR07592201)
Kahlua & Cream (SN89245207) (AKC SN89245207)
Lady Cindy VIII (AKC SR03184809 (12-04))
U'Dance-for-Joy-de Champernoune (AKC SR33119301 (1/07))
Unbelievable Joy ee champernoune
Lady Leah Of Golden Sands (AKC SR43364503 (9-09))
Whirlwind Sefarina (AKC SR43364504)
Del Helvet Can Tyson (AKC SR31432501 (4-06))
De Helvet Can Tatiana (AKC SR33862501 (10-08))
Del Helvet Can Tiffany (AKC SR31432502)
Sandarac Bethany (AKC SR30613901)
Dry Run's Tucker (AKC SR22995008 (3-06))
Tails of Gold Honey Be (AKC SR77948901)
Tails of Gold Sugar Plum (AKC SR77948902)
Valorie's Valentine Cash AX AXJ NF (AKC SR23395901 (5-06))
Tipperary Flash Gordon (AKC SN59168512 (3-03))
Tipperary Taffy Worthing (AKC SN72354108 (2-02))
Tails of Gold Lovely Rumba OA AXJ NF (AKC SR53539211 (10-11))
Dawn's Marathon Miley Girl (AKC SR53539205 (7-10))
Valorie's Texas Hold 'em NA (AKC SR39897608)
Jb's Lucky Chance (AKC SR33833308 (1-08))
Reagan Of White Fence Farm (AKC SR39897601 (7-08))
Westwind's China Doll AX OAJ NF (AKC SR28931909 (5/07))
Stone Fence Farm Polar Express (AKC SR28931907)

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