Calvin Kendy Gold Ciara Kendy Gold Caesar Kendy Gold Casper Kendy Gold Cedrik Kendy Gold Cliff Kendy Gold (A) Coudy Kendy Gold Caitlin Kendy Gold Carmen Kendy Gold Carrie Kendy Gold Cinderella Kendy Gold CH CZ, JCH CZ Cyndi Kendy Gold (A/A) | C.I.B. CHD (VDH) ClubD CH CHCZ CHSK Thevenet Pure Passion Crufts Qualified for life (HD B) | SPA Ch, Int Sh Ch, C.I.E. Vestafjell's Magic Elf (A/A) Vestafjell's West of The Mon Vestafjell's Prince Charming (OFA GR-114834E24M-VPI) NJV -14 Vestafjell's Once Upon A Time Vestafjell's Fairytale to Jako (A/A) Vestafjell's West Of The Moon | | Thevenet Hacer Dulce La Sal (A (AVEPA)) Ch Thevenet Piquenbauer (A-A) INT CH Thevenet Frutica Picada (A (AVEPA)) Vice-JEW'12 , CH SwedenUA,MOL,RO , JCH UA, RUS Thevenet Pep's Team (A/A) Thevenet Beso Al Aire Thevenet Eclipse De Cor VDH GER CH Thevenet Mitologia Griega WW'14, Trialer, C.I.E, C.I.B, France, Finnish CH Thevenet Expansion By Sasha (A/A (AVEPA)) NUCH, DKCH(S) DKV12 Thevenet Energia Positiva (A/B) Thevenet Per Sempre Jove (B (AVEPA)) | |
| Anna Bell Kendy Gold (A) Antony Watterloo Kendy Gold (A) Argo Benny Kendy Gold Atrey Max Kendy Gold | INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB (HD A/A, DKK 0/0) Westa Misantos Club Junior winner (0/0) Wellington Misantos Wizard Misantos Wanderdog Misantos Woodbyne Misantos Wasabi Misantos Issu Misantos Artemis Gold Isis Artemis Gold (DKK 1/1, HD B/B , ED 0/0) CH CZ JCH CZ Wrangler Misantos ''U'' (0/0) CZ CH Werra Misantos National Winner (2/2) Wendy Misantos (0/0) | | Ulla z Mesicnich plani (A/A) | |