K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Backwater's Biker Trash MH

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Backwater's Biker Trash MH
Red Squad's Bad Girlfriend (AKC SR79935703)
FC AFC Nick of Time Lone Ranger (AKC SN68692017)
HRCH Star Lab's In The Nick Of Time (AKC SN68692015)
FC AFC Windy City's Secret Signal (AKC SN68692016)
AFC Rammin Sweet Candy (AKC SN68692013)
FC Nick Of Time Dig In Digger (AKC SN89233902)
FC AFC Skybusters Rapid Fire (AKC SN68692021)
FC AFC Esprit's Power Play (AKC SN68692019)
FC AFC Two Toes Out the Door (AKC SN68692020)
Esprit's Out Of The Woods (AKC SN41085606)
FC AFC Creek Robber (AKC SN58302904)
Beaverdam's Boudin QAA
FC AFC Candlewood's Rita Reynolds (AKC SN41085604)
Bigwoods Fishtrap Judy MH (AKC SN41085603)
FC Esprit's Double Whammy (AKC SN58302911)
Beaverdam's Watch The Bird (AKC SN58302909)
Fern Cobble's Contesse
Fern Cobble's Contessa
FC AFC Code Blue (AKC SM79676702)
Code Red's Wild Joker (AKC SF367068)
FC AFC Easy Rider Of Goldwing (AKC SE789356)
FC AFC Fishtrap Debbie Does Ducks (AKC SM86006801)
Appoquinimink Creek Della
FC AFC Dare to Dream (AKC SM86006808)
FC AFC Scan's In The Nick Of Time (AKC SN12010301)
FC AFC Sky Watch Scanner (AKC SF655943 03-93)
Mandy Peterson (AKC SF168934)
Goose Down Hannah Honey MH *** (AKC SM814445/01 02-94)
Good Ideas Windy Retreezer *** (AKC SR45668201)
Delpond's Queen Bee
Good Ideas Triple Play (AKC SR45668206)
Twin Pine's Shocking Experience QAA
CK's Nemo O'fox Hill Farm (AKC SR54462107)
FC AFC Delpond's Breath of Fresh Air (AKC SR54462108)
Good Idea's Something to Talk About (AKC SR54462104)
FC AFC Good Idea's Texas Scratch
Ho Ali'i Alihikaua QAA (AKC SR54462105)
FC AFC Good Idea's Outta Sight
'14NAFC FC AFC Texas Troubador (AKC SR54462106)
FC AFC Good Idea's Second Wind
Good Idea's Touch Of Class MH (AKC SR45668205)
FC AFC Weezer Retreezer (AKC SR00248403)
Van's Smokin Pepper
AFC Candlewoods Lil Smokin Tequila (AKC SR00248402)
HRCH Candlewoods Super G MH QAA (AKC SR00248405)
FC AFC Carolinas Smoke On The Water (AKC SN42171601)
Pinehurst's Tall Timbers (AKC SN421716/02)
Rebel Ridge One Tough Cookie MH
Diamondbax Amazing Grace (AKC SN42171605)
River Hills Smoken Samantha MH (AKC SN42171604)
Ramblecreek Cajun Cooking (AKC SN42171603)
FC AFC Tequilla Sunrise IX (AKC SN44259103)
Bodines Lean Dusting Machine
FC AFC RSK's Smooth Sailing (AKC SN66891203)
FC Izzee-A-Duk-Dawg (AKC SN66891201)
FC Duk Dawg of Nickajack (AKC SN66891204)
Mac's Duk Hunter SH
FC AFC Fordland's Bored Out Ford (AKC SN44259108)
NFC FC AFC Five Star General Patton (AKC SN44259107)
NFC FC AFC Candlewood's Something Royal (AKC SN85232503)
AFC Candlewood's Prizefighter (AKC SN85232505.)
FC Candlewoods Yaddadadda Do It MH (AKC SN85232501)
'00 NFC FC AFC Maxx's Surprise (AKC SN19528201)
FC AFC Fire Tail's Three Bars CD MH (AKC SN29624408)
Chena River Super Chica (AKC SN19528209)
FC AFC Chena River Ripple
Classic Chica's Layla (AKC SN19528210)
FC AFC Chena River Wild Lady (AKC SN19528207)
FC AFC CAFC Chena River Chavez (AKC SN19528205)
FC Candlewood's Homely Hannah (AKC SM98209205)
Candlewoods Hawkeye Joe MH (AKC SM98209202 (7-96))
FC Candlewood's Premier Ringer (AKC SM98209206.)
FC AFC Hawkeye's Candlewood Casey (AKC SM98209203)
FC AFC Candlewood's Harlot Foleighter (AKC SM98209207.)
Candlewoods Doc Hoolywood (AKC SM982092/01)
FC AFC Candlewood Rebel Ridge TNT (AKC SM98209204)

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