
Golden Retriever

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Andh?mtningengs Rakso Vindil

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Andh?mtningengs Rakso Vindil
Goldwish A La La Lala Long (2012-01-25 ED ua (0))
Sungold Fonzy Fast Foot (0/0)
Sungold For Blynov & Co
Sungold Fast Fille (0/0)
Sungold Lucky Wuk (0/0)
Sungold Fair Play (2)
Ambertrail's Happy Heatleader (0/0)
Ambertrail's Rosco Is Reddy Can CDX Am CD
Ambertrail's Aheka Aim Hi (OFA GR-EL5011F32-PI)
Ambertrail's Tie Breaker CD RA MH ***
Ambertrail Joy's Pool Position (0/0)
Ambertrail's Repeat After Me Can. WCX *** (OFA GR-EL4123M24-VPI)
SE VCH LPI LPII Cinderella Lovehouse My Girl (2007-06-13 ED ua (0))
Owlet's Tango (2002-06-17 ED ua (0))
Owlet's Polka (0/0 (2002))
Owlet's Lindy
SE VCH TJH Cinderella Lovehouse Sunshine (2002-11-20 ED ua (0))
Andh?mtningens Minnie Mouice X Tre
LP I Goldzack Tom Jones (FCI 0/0)
Goldzack Jerry Williams (0/0)
Goldzack Bonnie Tyler
Goldzack Annie Lennox (0/0)
Goldzack Dolly Parton (0/0)
Goldzack Bette Midler (0/0)
Goldzack Judy Garland (0/0)
Goldzack Marlon Brando
Goldzack Kirk Douglas
Goldzack John Wayne (0/0)
Goldzack Cary Grant (0/0)
Goldzack Fred Astaire (0/0)
Goldzack James Dean (0/0)
Goldzack Dean Martin (0/0)
LPI LPII Libitum's Zcarron (0/0)
Libitum's Zcirocco (0/0)
Libitum's Zcorpio (0/0)
Libitum's Zcilla (0/0)
Ringmaster Ardilla (0/0)
Ringmaster Artista (0/0)
Ringmaster Armonia
Duckpond Already Sunday
Vassruggens Kettil Eyrbygga (0/0)
Vassruggens Ketil Eyrbygga
Vassruggens Irpa Horgabrud
Vassruggens Indra Gifmildu (0)

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