
Golden Retriever

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Francis od Chumeck?ho rybn?ka

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Francis od Chumeck?ho rybn?ka
Fox od Chlumeck?ho rybn?ka
Flash od Chlumeck?ho rybn?ka
Flynn od Chlumeck?ho rybn?ka
Forest Gump od Chlumeck?ho rybn?ka
Filda od Chlumeck?ho rybn?ka
Fanda od Chlumeck?ho rybn?ka
Dr.Famous Gold of Golden Cheer
Dr. Dasty of Golden Cheer
Dr. Chico of Golden Cheer
Dr. Pepo of Golden Cheer
Dr. Leader of Golden Cheer
Dr. Taram of Golden Cheer
Dr. Pope of Golden Cheer
Dream For Craze of Golden
Dream Deborah of Golden Cheer
Dream Symphony of Golden Cheer
LPW'13, PT JCH Carnaval Dorado Scout Boy CER JCH
Carnaval Dorado Mary Poppins At Pajula
CER JCH Carnaval Dorado Sweet Melody
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation
INT CH Carnaval Dorado 100% Dreams
INT CH Carnaval Dorado Princess Of My Dreams (Best Junior in Spain 2010)
Carnaval Dorado This Is My Dream
CH CZ Explosive Symphony Famous Gold
JCh CZ Explosive Love Famous Gold
Explosive Hero Famous Gold
Explosive Lover Famous Gold
Explosive Boy Famous Gold
CH CZ, SK, PL Heartbreaker Is Friendly
Ch.PL. Hunter Is Friendly
Hadley Is Friendly
Hailey Is Friendly
Hero Is Friendly
Hoaxer Is Friendly
Hardy Is Friendly
Harmony Is Friendly
Honey Is Friendly
ICH, MCH, CH CZ&SK&PL Deborah the Dream Team
Derick the Dream Team
CZ Dual Ch, CZ + SK CH, CZ + SK JCH, CZ FTCh Darcy the Dream Team National winner, Best Show Bitch 2005
SKCh Daniel the Dream Team
Femme Fatale Estrella de Oro
Fast and Furious Estrella de Oro
First Chance Estrella de Oro
Farida Estrella de Oro
Free Style Estrella de Oro
Fox Trot Estrella de Oro
Fifty Fifty Estrella de Oro
Fair Play Estrella de Oro
Little Violet's Ever so Clever
Little Violet's English Gentleman
CIE, CIB, ?JCh, ?Ch, HRCH, SKCH, SLCH, HUCH, CZCH Race The Sun de Ria Vela Top Dog 2012
Raggio Di Sole De Ria Vela
roma eterna de ria vela
And. CH. Romanza de Ria Vela
MltCh, JChRus & NRC, Bye Romeo de Ria Vela Mak/Cher/Bul/Mol/Rom/Ser/Bal Ch
Remember Me de Ria Vela
Little Violet's Last Chance
Little Violet?s Lemongrass
CH CZ, SK, PL Dutch Destiny Estrella de Oro
Dutch Dafne Estrella de Oro
Dutch Desire Estrella de Oro
Dutch Della Estrella de Oro
Dutch Dynamite Estrella de Oro
Dutch Dreamer Estrella de Oro
CH. Break of Dawn Could This Be Love
Break Of Dawn I Have A Dream
Intl' CH Break Of Dawn Ruby Tuesday
CH PL,CZ, SK Dolores z Drouzkova
Denny z Drou?kova
Debbie z Drou?kova
Dustin z Drou?kova

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