
Golden Retriever

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Monchique Blue Moon of Mossburn

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Monchique Blue Moon of Mossburn
Ir.Sh.Ch. Monchique Coppermill Blue
Monchique Captivation
Monchique Envoy Of Chalonnaise (16:15)
Monchique Denbury Mint (3:3)
Monchique Chablisse Of Chalonnaise (7:7)
Monchique Denbury Rose
Linchael Cellini at Branjoy JW (BVA Hip Score 10:6)
N UCH Linchael Silver Spirit (HD A)
Linchael Chantilly JW
Irish SH. CH. Linchael Ecstacy at Lawpark (BVA Hip Score 7:3)
Linchael Criterion of Shoonahs (5:5)
Eng. Sh. Ch. Linchael Cartier Of Gloi (BVA 0:0)
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Conspiracy Of Chevanne (BVA Hip Score 4:5)
Eng. CH. Linchael Wild Silk
Linchael Medici of Glengilde
Linchael Wild Cherry Of Waterspride (4:4)
Linchael Cornflower (0:0)
Linchael Cristalle Of Vanzela
Nor. CH. Gloi Hyperion
Linchael Candle in The Wind (HD A)
Linchael Crocus Of Wyebank
Ir. CH Linchael Silver Ghost Of Strathearn (BVA/KC 4:6)
Nor. CH Linchael Conclusion
Finnish CH Linchael Wild Rose
Linchael Wild Thyme Of Strathearn (BVA 2:3)
Linchael Wild Orchid At Yacanto
Linchael Corniche (HD Frei Norden (19??))
Eng. CH. Styal Scott Of Glengilde (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
Styal Saratoga
Eng. SH. CH. Styal Shakespeare
Can. CH Styal Squire Of Nortonwood Can. WC OS
Styal Souvenir Of Nortonwood
Styal Samarkand (UA (198?))
Int./Span. CH Styal Sacilia
Styal Star of Swiftway
Styal Solacea
Eng. SH. Ch. Styal Shelley of Maundale (BVA Hip Score 1:13)
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Delmoss (Unknown BVA Hip Score 8/9)
Linchael Fresco of Vanzela
Linchael Celeste
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Freya Of Gloi
Linchael Finale
Linchael Cloud
Linchael Fame Of Jesopa
Linchael Levanka
Linchael Casamayor
Linchael Claret
Kentricia Gemini at Monchique
Brekswood Benjamin
Brekswood Angelnah
Brekswood Tamarindah
Brekswood Angelin
Westrose Auraliah
Westrose Harvestah
Shamanda Satin and Lace at Monchique
Eng. SH. Ch. Westley Munro of Nortonwood (BVA 2:4)
Eng. Ch. Westley Martha
Westley Salone (normal)
Eng. Ch. Westley Mabella
Eng. SH. CH. Westley Simone
Eng. CH. Westley Samuel (Unknown BVA Hip Score 2:2)
Eng. SH. CH. Westley Sophia Of Papeta (Unknown BVA Hip Score 3:8)
Westley Mistybell of Jayceter
Westley Sabrina of Nortonwood
Westley Matthia of Sinnhein
Can. CH Westley Mervin Can.CD
Westley Sigfried of Channri
Am Ch Westley Modesta (OFA GR-10517)
Westley Sherman
Irish CH. Westley Silas of Greenview (BVA 3:4)
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus (BVA Hip Score 7:5)
Nortonwood Feronia of Dewmar
Nortonwood Fides
Nortonwood Fortuna of Camrose
Eng. Ch. Westley Victoria
Bonny Eve at Shamanda
Mansard Brigadoon At Shamanda
Mansard Bella at Shamanda
Woodgirl Sunshine
Belle (of Janville Tempestuous At Linchael)

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